Peace Now Settlement Watch News Flash: Government publishes tenders for 1500 housing units beyond the Green Line

Ministry of Housing and Construction issued today tenders for 1466 new housing units at the West Bank (1066) and East Jerusalem (400).  The announcement comes three days after the ministry also re-issued tenders for an additional 232 housing units at the West Bank settlements.

The 400 new housing units at East Jerusalem are located at Ramat Shlomo neighbourhood. At the West Bank, the tenders are at 6 different settlements:  Efrat (223), Beitar Illit (536), Adam (38), Givat Ze’ev (155), Alfei Menashe (78), Ariel (36).

The tenders for the 232 housing units, published on Monday, 02.06.14, were for Karnei Shomron (129) and Immanuel (102) and were published in the past in different tenders.
Most of the tenders are deep in the West Bank, beyond the built barrier. At Beitar Illit, the tenders are designated for a new site (“Gimel”), expanding the physical borders of the settlement and grabbing a new hill, which is currently mostly empty from construction.


Peace Now:

“The announcement of 1500 housing units beyond the Green Line is the government of Israel’s continuous policy to destroy the 2 state-solution. While for a moment there was a thought by few that the government is pushing for a silent settlement freeze, we at Peace Now were able to see on the ground that the construction is continuing forcefully. Today it is made evident to everyone that there is no freeze as the government issues new tenders for further construction.”

List of Tenders:

Settlement: Tender: Number of Housing Units: Relation to the Built Barrier
Karnei  Shomron יש/150/2014 129 East
Immanuel יש/151/2014 102 East
Efrat יש/165/2014 147 East
Efrat, Givat HaDagan יש/166/2014 20 East
Efrat, Givat HaTamar יש/167/2014 56 East
Beitar Illit יש/168/2014 279 East
Beitar Illit יש/169/2014 19 East
Beitar Illit יש/170/2014 20 East
Beitar Illit יש/171/2014 218 East
Adam יש/172/2014 38 East
Givat Ze’ev (Agan HaAyalot) יש/173/2014 55 West
Givat Ze’ev (Agan HaAyalot) יש/174/2014 100 West
Alfei Menashe יש/175/2014 78 West
Ariel יש/176/2014 36 East
Ramat Shlomo (East Jerusalem) ים/177/2014 400 West