Peace Now and Meretz MK's Visit Hebron Marking 20 Years Since the Goldstein Massacre

Oppenheimer_Gal-On_Hebron"We came to show the Israeli public that the violent legacy of Goldstein is alive today in the price tag attacks, and in extremist settlers, like those here today." (Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer, pictured left with MK Zehava Gal-On)

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APN's 2014 Israel Study Tour – Save the Dates September 6-11, 2014

Participants will explore Israel and the West Bank focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts to resolve it. If you are interested and would like to be placed on the mailing list for the 2014 Israel study tour please email

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Save the Date: Mandy Patinkin to Receive APN's Yitzhak Rabin Peace Award - April 27, 2014

The well-known actor and singer will be presented with the Yitzhak Rabin Peace Award on Sunday evening, April 27, in Los Angeles.  Plus, APN will be inaugurating the Arthur P. Stern Leadership and Justice Award, with David N. Myers and Nomi Stolzenberg receiving the award.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: February 24, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses a government legislative initiative intended to lead to increased military service for the ultra-orthodox; the Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah motives in supporting Assad; and what is the strategic significance of the first export deal signed with Jordan in Israel's Tamar Mediterranean gas field.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: February 17, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses the Obama administration examining alternative options to the failed Geneva talks on the Syria conflict and whether there are any military or non-military US options; what are Israel's priorities regarding its approach to the fighting, even though they're not involved in efforts to end the conflict in Syria; if the Syria conflict ended tomorrow, how soon would the region revert to something approaching normalcy.

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SodaStream, an Israeli company with a production facility in a West Bank settlement, made headlines recently due to the superstar status of its spokeswoman, Scarlett Johansson. But the real stars of the Israeli business community are those who joined with their Palestinian counterparts in an effort to use their economic heft to urge political leaders to achieve a two-state solution as soon as possible.

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APN's Lara Friedman discusses settlements & BDS on Al Jazeera-America's "The Stream" & BDS

Lara-on-al-Jazeera320x265On Wednesday on Al Jazeera America talk show, "The Stream," APN's Lara Friedman discussed settlements & BDS, explaining APN's position opposing BDS targeting Israel and supporting boycotts targeting settlements, settlement products, and the occupation.  She appeared with guests representing the pro-BDS camp -- Josh Ruebner (US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation), and Yousef Mumayyer (The Palestine Center) -- and the camp opposing all Israel-related boycotts -- Avi Mayer (The Jewish Agency for Israel).

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Press Release: APN Applauds House Letter Supporting Diplomacy with Iran

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) thanks the 104 members of the House of Representatives, Republicans and Democrats, who today sent a letter to President Obama supporting the current diplomatic efforts to resolve concerns over Iran's nuclear program.

APN strongly supported the letter and urged House members to sign it.

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31 Years since Grunzweig Assassination, Incitement Continues


Thirty-one years ago, on February 10th 1983, Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered by an extreme right Jewish terrorist at a Peace Now demonstration in Jerusalem.

Not far from the Prime Minister’s Office, the terrorist, Yona Avrushmi,  lobbed a hand grenade at the front row of the Peace Now marchers. It killed Emil and injured several of his friends.

It was the first in a series of terrorist attacks by extremist right-wing Israelis against the Israeli peace camp. This campaign to crush peace efforts culminated with the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin twelve years later.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: February 10, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses what motivates pro-settler critics of Kerry; what the Israeli public thinks about the danger of sanctions; whether there is more than meets the eye to the issue of the controversy provoked by Netanyahu's remark that he "doesn't intend to remove a single settler;" and with two Iranian warships are currently crossing the Atlantic and heading toward the US territorial water boundary, what is Iran trying to tell us.

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