Peace Now rally against the "Jewish State" bill in Jerusalem

bullhornThousands of Israelis turned out Saturday night for a large rally in Jerusalem, organized by Peace Now, to protest the “Jewish State” bill and other anti-democratic initiatives of the Israeli government. The rally was held opposite the Prime Minister’s residence. The keynote speakers were former Shin Bet director Carmi Gillon, former minister of education Yossi Sarid, and Israel’s leading rapper, Shaanan Streett, the soloist of popular hip-hop band Hadag Nachash.



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December 1, 2014 - The "peace plans" of Bennett and Lieberman; Egypt and the Arab Spring


This week, Alpher discusses the "peace plans" for the Palestinian conflict of the right-wing stalwarts in Netanyahu's coalition, Bennett and Lieberman; where does this leave us in terms of Israeli politics and the peace process; the Egyptian President Sisi's peace plan; and what does the acquittal of deposed president Mubarak of all charges and Sisi's announcement that he will not pursue further prosecution say about the "Arab Spring" that began in 2011.

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We're the Antidote to the Extremists

James Klutznick

There is a new West Bank development nearing completion that I think you should know about. I say that because it can advance the cause of the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The development is the almost-completed Palestinian city of Rawabi, some five miles north of Ramallah and twelve miles north of Jerusalem. It is a Palestinian planned community, built to serve the tech-savvy, entrepreneurial middle class. What’s more, Rawabi is the largest private sector employer in the West Bank. It is an impressive exercise in Palestinian entrepreneurship, self-reliance, creativity and ingenuity.

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The best deal on Black Friday is hope


I grew up in a hopeful state. World leaders were welcomed at Ben Gurion Airport by the IDF marching band playing Naomi Shemer’s 1967 optimistic song Machar, (Tomorrow), a military march describing a state living in peace with its neighbors, and rather naively promising, “all this will happen tomorrow, if not today – and if not tomorrow then the day after.”

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APN to Congress: Allow Iran Negotiations to Continue Unhindered during Extension

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) today released the following statement on extending negotiations regarding Iran's nuclear quest: The fact that all parties to the current Iran diplomatic effort wish to extend negotiations underscores the important progress that has been made in talks so far as well as the shared understanding of the very serious risks failure will entail, for everyone.

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November 24, 2014 - the ramifications of last week's attack: political, security, and more


This week, Alpher discusses the strategic ramifications of last Tuesday's murderous attack on men praying in a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem - in the Israeli-Palestinian arena, the security sphere, the political arena, and whether here are any additional levels.

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National Grassroots Call on Diplomacy with Iran

Americans for Peace Now, together with eight other
organizations mobilizing in support of a diplomatic solution to the challenge posed by Iran's nuclear program

invite you to our

National Grassroots Call on Diplomacy with Iran

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APN's Ori Nir in Haaretz: The sickness in both Israeli and Palestinian societies

Violence, incitement and racist hatred don’t just increasingly plague Israel. Palestinian society is just as sick – and unlike Israel, lacks a leader voicing genuine self-criticism.

The despicable violence, incitement, racism and hatred that are plaguing Israelis and Palestinians these days demonstrate just how sick both societies are - yes, both – and how desperately they need to separate from each other into two independent states.

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APN's Lara Friedman in The Forward: The Terror Rocking Jerusalem Is Not About God

Four ultra-Orthodox Jews at prayer and one Druze policeman, murdered by two Palestinian young men armed with knives, axes and a gun. The heart grieves for the families of the victims and the suffering of the injured.

This past week’s slaughter was the latest development in an escalation of violence in Jerusalem that dates back to the summer, with the kidnapping and murder of three Israel youth in the West Bank, followed by the kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teen in East Jerusalem. Most of the world ignored the fires burning in East Jerusalem until the flames spread across the Green Line. Two terrorist attacks on the city’s light rail, one attempted assassination of a right-wing activist, several attacks outside Jerusalem, and a horrific synagogue massacre later, the world has woken up to what is turning into a conflagration that threatens to engulf the entire city and beyond.

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) is horrified and outraged by today's savage terrorist attack on Jewish worshippers at a Jerusalem synagogue, which left four innocent civilians dead and others injured. APN strongly condemns this attack. We stand with the people of Israel. Our hearts are with the families that have been broken by today's attack. We wish full and rapid recovery to those who were injured.

Jerusalem is bleeding. At this time, Israeli and Palestinian leaders bear a heavy responsibility. They must put an end to inflammatory actions and rhetoric that would further intensify the bloodshed. They must fight terrorism and incitement. At the same time, they must also seek ways to engage diplomatically to reach a political settlement for the conflict – the only way to avoid perpetual bloodletting between Israelis and Palestinians.

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