No End of conflict? - with Security Expert Yossi Alpher, Tuesday June 21st

AlpherOn Tuesday, June 21st, from 12-2pm, APN and New Israel Fund are co-hosting a brown-bag lunch for Yossi Alpher, who will be in Washington DC promoting his new book, “No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine.

Yossi is an extremely knowledgeable and perceptive commentator on Israel and the Middle East. His new book focuses on the disastrous impact of the peace impasse with the Palestinians and the dangerous slippery slope Israel and the Palestinians are on. It zeroes in on the need for all parties, including global think tanks and policy planners as well as Diaspora Jewish communities, to adopt a new agenda that recognizes the emerging reality and asks how to manage the slippery slope (rather than a non-existent peace process) and to at least delay Israel’s descent towards the status of ugly bi-national state and international pariah. It’s a sobering, pragmatic book, which very much reflects Yossi’s analytical style. It should be required reading for all candidates for national political office in the US this November.

Please join us from noon to 2pm at the Americans for Peace Now office at 2100 M Street NW, Suite 619.

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APN joins the Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade

On Sunday, June 5th, Americans for Peace Now joined the Progressive Coalition at this year's Celebrate Israel Parade. Although the weather was damp, spirits were not as we joined with T'ruah, Partners for Progressive Israel, and New Israel Fund to show the world that there is a strong and vibrant progressive community supporting Israel and thousands of Israelis working for a just and peaceful society.

Pictures below

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Join us for the Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade, Sunday, June 5th

Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade

Sunday, June 5th,
Meetup Time: 10:30AM SHARP
Meetup Location: 55th Street & 5th Ave


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APN 2016 Israel Study Tour - Working Schedule


Below is the working schedule for Americans for Peace Now's Israel Study Tour, November 12-17, 2016, which illustrates the character and scope of this unique experience. Updates will come as we further develop and tweak the tour. Given that changes will occur, those of you who will be participating should not use this version to plan any personal time while in Israel. 

We are receiving deposits and reserving spaces for the Study Tour. Given the strong interest shown, we encourage you to inform us of your plans to participate and reserve your spot promptly. For details on how to sign up, please scroll down past the schedule. Go HERE for more about the Study Tour.


To reserve your space, print out and complete this FORM and return to APN by mail or email with a $500 deposit (payable by check or credit card). Deposit deadline is August 31, 2016, after which reservations will be accepted if space allows.


  • $3,290 Per Person/Double Occupancy

  • $3,990 Single Occupancy

INCLUDES: Hotel Accommodations for 6 nights (check-in Saturday, November 12; check-out Friday, November 18) at The David Citadel, a premier hotel in the heart of Jerusalem, all meals with the exception of one evening and one afternoon off for your own leisure, all touring, tipping, and admissions (does NOT include airfare).

Jerusalem, Israel - Check-in: Saturday, November 12; Check-out: Friday, November 18

Watch this video with highlights of the 2015 Study Tour

For questions and to inform us of your plans to participate, email or call our office at 202-408-9898.


Akiva Eldar APN hosted a briefing call on Wednesday, May 25th, at 2:00 pm Eastern Time with Akiva Eldar, senior political columnist with Al-Monitor’s Israel Pulse and formerly with Haaretz.

Akiva discussed the recent developments in the Israeli political arena: Binyamin Netanyahu’s coalition negotiations with Avigdor Lieberman and before that with Labor’s Yitzhak Herzog; Moshe Yaalon’s resignation from the government and the Knesset, and the increasing tension in Israel between the government and the security establishment.

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Berkshires Luncheon with Yossi Alpher - June 26th

Americans for Peace Now

Martin & Shirley Bresler, Debra DeLee & Arnie Miller,
Letty Cottin Pogrebin & Bert Pogrebin, and
Marcie Setlow & David Scribner, invite you to the:

Americans for Peace Now Luncheon with
Yossi Alpher, Israeli Security Expert

Sunday, June 26, 2016, 11:30 a.m.

Egremont Country Club in the Berkshire Mountains
685 S Egremont Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230

Lunch and Program: $90
(all but $25 is tax deductible)

RSVP to, 202-408-9898, or ONLINE (indicate "Alpher Berkshires Reservations" in the comment box)

Yossi will be discussing issues raised in his latest book, just now hitting the shelves: "No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine". The book, available for purchase and for signing at the event, provides ways to better understand and navigate the current challenges.

This is Yossi's first visit to the Berkshires since a similar Americans for Peace Now event in 2010. Yossi provides an informed, straightforward, and valuable perspective, and we encourage you to join us on June 26.

"A thoughtful and compelling analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conundrum by one of Israel's most astute and veteran political and security analysts."
- Aaron David Miller, vice president of the Woodrow Wilson Center and former Middle East analyst and negotiator in Republican and Democratic administrations.

"Alpher opens new ground in presenting five options for the future along with the challenges to making them work."
- Thomas R. Pickering, former US undersecretary of state and ambassador to Israel, Jordan, Russia, and the United Nations.

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MK Merav Michaeli of the Zionist Union, Thursday April 14th, 2016

With Member of Knesset Merav Michaeli (Zionist Union)


Israeli Knesset Member Merav Michaely of the Zionist Union was a guest speaker on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at an event co-sponsored by the New Israel Fund and Americans for Peace Now. MK Michaeli spoke about the challenges that progressive Israelis face, both on security and foreign affairs questions and on domestic affairs.


One of Israel’s foremost protectors of democracy, Zionist Union MK Merav Michaeli is a voice of reason, justice, and passion for human rights. Click here to watch Merav’s brief but stirring analysis of the aftermath of the recent Hebron shooting, which has dominated Israel’s public discourse in recent days.

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comic-image-After-the-WarFollowing the 4:00PM performance on April 3rd, join us for a post-show discussion and talkback featuring Ori Nir of Americans for Peace Now and Michal Aharoni, playwright and columnist. Nir and Aharoni will discuss the ways Israeli security dilemmas play out inside the family and around the dinner table.

AFTER THE WAR by Motti Lerner, tells the story of Joel, a world-renowned concert pianist and Israeli anti-war expatriate who returns to Tel Aviv after 18 years to perform with the Israeli Philharmonic. But as protestors agitate to cancel the performance, deep ideological differences between Joel, his estranged son Izzy, and his hot-tempered brother Freddie quickly turn the family homecoming to all-out battle. Set against the wrenching sadness and climactic beauty of Beethoven’s Pathétique, and borrowing from events in the life of revered, controversial Israeli ex-pat Daniel BarenboimAfter the War is a crucial new play about an artist’s responsibility to his embattled country, and his family’s tough response to calls for peace in the wake of a costly war.

For APN supporters only, use the code APN20 - 20% off tickets to After the War, good for all dates excluding opening night. Purchase tickets here.


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Occupation, Inc: March 10 panel discussion with APN's Lara Friedman

On March 10, 2016, Human Rights Watch, the Foundation for Middle East Peace, and Americans for Peace Now hosted a panel discussion of Human Rights Watch’s new report, Occupation, Inc.: How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights. 

Discussing the report was Sarah Saadoun, the report’s author, and APN’s Lara Friedman. Sarah Saadoun is the Leonard H. Sandler Fellow at Human Rights Watch. Lara Friedman is APN’s Director of Policy and Government Relations.. The discussion will be moderated by Matthew Duss, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. 


What: Occupation, Inc., a discussion of Human Rights Watch’s reports on how business in and with Israel’s settlements contributes to violations of Palestinian rights. 

Watch the video of the event below:


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As many question not only the viability but also the desirability of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the world’s leading experts on the conflict and on efforts to resolve it discussed the state of the two-state solution.

Dan Kurtzer, is the former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt and currently the S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East policy studies at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

We suggest reading Ambassador Kurtzer’s recent Brookings essay on the two-state solution.

Listen here.

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