Sympathies with Israelis or Palestinians; Israeli attack on Gaza justified

CNN / ORC (November 16-18, 2012)
Finds that 59% of Americans say their sympathies lie more with Israel, as opposed to just 13% who say their sympathies are more with the Palestinians. Also shows that 57% of Americans believe Israel justified in "taking military action against Hamas and the Palestinians in the area known as Gaza", while only 25% feel it is unjustified. PDF >

Pathways to Peace: America and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Daniel C. Kurtzer (Ed.) | Palgrave Macmillan (2012)
Book Review (Americans for Peace Now) | CampusBooks

Americans on the Middle East: A Study of American Public Opinion

The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development / The Program on International Policy Attitudes (October 8, 2012)
Among other findings, shows that two-thirds of Americans continue to express the view that the Arab-Israeli conflict is a "top five issue" in regard to its importance to U.S. foreign policy. Also shows that a plurality want the U.S. to maintain its current level of diplomatic activity in the Middle East. PDF >

Arrested Development: The Long Term Impact of the Separation Barrier

B'Tselem (October 2012)
Examines the ramifications of the Separation Barrier on nearby Palestinian communities, ten years after its construction commenced. The report details and critiques the permit regime instituted by Israel in what is known as the "Seam Zone," West Bank lands on the "Israeli" side of the barrier. Read More >

Forward: "Occupation Corrupts Soul of Israel" by APN Board member Leonard Fein

Attacks Reflect Zig-Zag Line of Settlement Enterprise

It is tempting to impute retroactive intentionality to yesterday's events. As Gershom Gorenberg felicitously puts it, we mistakenly assume "that if things turned out a certain way, someone planned it that way." Looking back now, it may seem a foregone conclusion that Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank (and in Golan, too) was from the beginning an evil design, intended to encroach on Palestinian rights rather than to solve immediate problems. But the effort to draw a straight line of intentionality from then to now obscures more than it clarifies.

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The Rise of Settler Violence in the West Bank

The Brookings Institution (2012)
Natan B. Sachs (Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy) discusses the recent increase in settler violence, why it should be termed Terrorism, and its effect on the peace process. (11:36) Watch >

The Israeli Government's Bonus for Settlements: NIS 1,059,988,790

Gad Lior and Yuval Karni / Yedioth Ahronoth (August 2012)
Examination of the financial bonus that settlements enjoy compared to areas inside of the Green Line. Read More >

American Opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Zogby Research Services / The Arab American Institute (August 2012)
Finds that a plurality of Americans (40%) believe U.S. policy should steer a "middle course" between Israelis and Palestinians. Also finds strong bipartisan support for the idea that Israelis and Palestinians are "equal people entitled to equal rights," with 43% supporting a two-state solution, a shared Jerusalem, the evacuation of most settlements, and a Palestinian right of return to the new Palestinian state. Only 14% oppose such a plan. Read More >

Instead of tax hikes - stop indulging the settlements

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Israeli Government Spending on Settlements

The Calcalist / Israel News Today (2012)
Summary of a major report on government spending on settlements. Among other notable conclusions, the report shows that spending on settlements increased by 38% under the Netanyahu government (from 2010 to 2011) and totaled NIS 27 billion from 1992 to 2011. Read More >

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