Merry Christmas from Americans for Peace Now


We at APN know a thing or two about Christmas. We know it is the holiday that celebrates peace, and as you know, "peace" is our middle name. On this Christmas day, Americans for Peace Now embraces our Christian supporters and sends them our warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, a year of peace and light.

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Terrorism Against Israel: Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities

Jewish Virtual Library (1993 - 2013)
List of Israeli fatalities from Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Includes dates, locations, and names of victims, as well as descriptions of the circumstances and perpetrators of each attack. Read More > | See also: Attacks Against Israeli Representatives Abroad (1969 - Present) >

News Nosh 12.24.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Tuesday December 24, 2013

Quote of the day:

"We hereby notify you that your children are involved in terrorist attacks against citizens of the state of Israel...Stop them before it's too late."
--IDF warning printed on leaflets hung in a Palestinian refugee camp. The leaflets displayed the photos of nine fathers of Palestinian boys.**

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This week, Alpher gives an interim assessment of ramifications for the region on the three year anniversary since the outbreak of the Arab revolutions and where this leaves the United States and Israel, discusses whether Sunday's terrorist bus-bombing in Israel is part of a new escalation, and comments on the latest Snowden revelations regarding American eavesdropping on senior Israeli leaders' cell phones and emails.

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News Nosh 12.23.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday December 23, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The public space does not only belong to the Jewish majority."
--Christian Arab MK Hanna Swaid reacts to Knesset speaker's decision to his request to put a Christmas tree in the Knesset.**

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News Nosh 12.22.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday December 22, 2013


Quote of the day:

"There has never been an official, sanctioned government survey deciding that the West Bank is more essential than the western Negev."
--Haaretz military analyst writes that Israeli claims over need to retain W. Bank land for Israel's security are political statements.**

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It is not what one says, but rather what one does...

Rabbi Sharon Brous

The stakes are high. While many persist in comparing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a schoolyard brawl, Israelis and Palestinians are struggling with matters of life and death. The question of the possibility of peace holds existential ramifications.

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Statement: APN Condemns New Iran Sanctions Bill in Senate

APN today issued the following statement on the introduction of new Iran sanctions legislation in the Senate on Thursday:

"We condemn in the strongest terms the introduction of new Iran sanctions legislation in the Senate (S. 1881) by Senators Menendez (D-NJ), Kirk (R-IL) and a 25 of their colleagues.  We urge Senate leaders to refuse to move this ill-timed and highly problematic legislation forward.  We likewise call on Senators from both parties to refuse to cosponsor it, and Senators who have already done so to recognize their error and retract their sponsorship.   

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PAST ACTION - Tell Your Senators: Reject New Anti-Diplomacy Iran Sanctions Push


Update: this action, now closed, ran from December 2013-January 2014. 

We knew the fight to keep Iran-focused diplomacy alive wasn't over - and we were right. Yesterday, Senators Menendez (D-NJ), Kirk (R-IL) and a group of 25 colleagues introduced a new and highly problematic Iran sanctions bill in the Senate - S. 1881, ironically named the "Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013." This bill, introduced just before the Senate breaks for the year, will be the focal point of anti-diplomacy efforts for the coming period.

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Peace Now on the Shaked-Ilatov NGO bill


Peace Now has produced a position paper on a controversial bill proposed by Knesset members Ayelet Shaked (Habayit Hayehudi) and Robert Ilatov (Yisrael Beiteinu) on December 15th. The bill passed a vote of the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs, with the support of ministers from Shaked's party and from Likud-Beiteinu. The bill would require any organization that receives funding from a foreign country to pay 45% tax of the funding received, if the organization or members of its board of directors call for the Prosecution of IDF soldiers, boycotting of Israel or its citizens, or if the organization denies the existence of the State of Israel, incite racism or supports the armed struggle of an enemy country or of a terror organization.

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