
On October 31, Israel's Defense Forces pulled out its last troops from guard-posts in communities surrounding the Gaza Strip.

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News Nosh 11.20.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday November 20, 2013


Quote of the day:

"I heard one of them saying he's in favor of human rights but not civil rights [for Palestinians]. Meaning, they shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's like in South Africa."
--Former cabinet minister Dan Meridor wonders what happens to the morals of his party, Likud.**

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News Nosh 11.19.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Tuesday November 19, 2013


Name of the day:

"Israel Trail of the Himalayas."
--Name of new trail for trekkers in Nepal, created with Israel's help [and great for positive PR - OH].**

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A New Peace Now victory against outposts


On November 19th, Peace Now reported that in Jerusalem, the High Court of Justice published its verdict regarding 6 outposts in the West Bank (Peace Now's "six outposts" case).

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This week, Alpher discusses Netanyahu's meetings this week with Hollande, Putin, and Kerry to discuss the prospective Iran nuclear agreement, a possible revival of the French-Israeli alliance of the 1950s and 60s, how Netanyahu could allow tenders for planning 24,000 additional settlement units to be published last week, considering how sensitive the current juncture is for Israel's international relations, and whether there was something unique or particularly worrisome about the latest "price tag" attack launched against Palestinians by extremist settlers in the West Bank.

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News Nosh 11.18.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday November 18, 2013


Quote of the day:

"If, as the Prime Minister says, only Israel is responsible for its fate, it must actualize this responsibility at the diplomatic table and not just in the battlefield..."
--Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy in today's Yedioth on negotiations regarding Iran's nuclear program.**

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News Nosh 11.17.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday November 17, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The housing minister and his reckless move on the matter of building in the settlements is sabotaging and sabotaged the Israeli interest..."
--Science Minister Yaakov Peri warns of the beginning of the end of the alliance between Yesh Atid and Habayit Hayehudi.**

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Our love for Israel drives our struggle for peace


A few months ago, I met Noam, an inspiring Israeli high-school student. After my lecture he approached me and explained how in his school, he is seen as a traitor and as an unpatriotic Israeli. Noam explained that he is very much a patriotic Israeli, and out of his love for Israel, he wants to see peace with the Palestinians.

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News Nosh 11.15.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Friday November 15, 2013


Quote of the day:

'Regards from Eden, Revenge!'
--Graffiti spray-painted on wall of Palestinian home in Sinjil village in West Bank that was set on fire while children were sleeping inside.**

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News Nosh 11.14.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday November 14, 2013


Quote of the day:

"I can't remember the last time somebody received huge amounts of taxpayer money because housing units weren't built in that person's residential area."
--MK Stav Shafir (Labor) on the 36 million shekels ($10.2 million) being transferred to settler local councils as compensation for the 2009 construction freeze.**

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