Israel's Nation-State Law was approved amidst much controversy, both within Israel and abroad, particularly among American Jews. Given its status as one of Israel's Basic Laws, the closest thing Israel has to a Constitution, the law is particularly consequential. Here are a number of resources on the law, its ramifications, and reactions to it.
This episode features a recording of The Dove, a live
storytelling show modeled after The Moth. It features stories about the conflict, told by young people from the
region, underscoring the humanity that brings together Israelis and Palestinians and offers hope for peace.
This show, recorded on July 23, 2018 at Washington DC's Busboys and Poets, was produced in partnership with New Story Leadership, a Washington-based program that brings to Washington 5 young Israelis and 5 Palestinians for a month of leadership training, networking and fun. The storytellers are eight of the program's participants.
“Jews, somebody’s making sure to maintain the Jewish character of Jerusalem.”
—Right-wing settler activist and Jerusalem Municipality Councilman, Arieh King, wrote proudly on Facebook with a photo of a Palestinian peddler, whose wares, mainly bread, were on the ground, after King got municipal inspectors to confiscate his stand. Even some right-wingers berated him saying there was nothing 'Jewish' about it.**
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived
1. Bills, Resolution, & Letters
2. Hearings & Markups
3. On the Record
APN's Director of Policy and Government Relations Debra Shushan appeared on "The Spin Room" on Israel's i24 News on July 18. WATCH by clicking the pop-out button (top-right) and fast-forwarding to 1:39.
Topics debated by Shushan and fellow guests Colette Avital (former MK, Labor), Ruthie Blum (Gatestone Institute), and moderator Ami Kaufman included President Trump's Helsinki performance, Israel's Nation-State Law, incendiary kites from Gaza, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Israel.
--Yedioth commentator Ben-Dror Yemini writes that international condemnation for the Nation-State Law didn't come just from Israel's haters, but also from some of its biggest supporters, and it offends Israel's Druze citizens, who serve in the Israeli army.*
Breaking News:
Israel Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet Penetrating Israeli Airspace
Israeli air defenses fire two Patriot interceptor missiles, taking down the Russian-made Sukhoi plane. (Haaretz, Ynet and Israel Hayom)
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
"I am also available for an 'Israel is shameful' ad campaign if anyone is interested."
--Israeli actress Renana Raz tweeted after Israel passed the nation-state law. In Hebrew, 'Israel is shameful' (Yisrael mitbayeshet,' rhymes with the water conservation ad campaign Raz has been headlining called, "Yisrael mityabeshet" (Israel is drying out).*
You Must Be Kidding:
The State Attorney's Office indicted David Sharaf, a Jewish Israeli, on arson and incitement for setting fire to property of Arabs and saying 'Burn Arabs because they burn us,’ but the indictment did not state that his motive was nationalist, i.e., anti-Arab, which carries a longer sentence.**
—Former Druze MK Shakib Shanan, the father of Border Policeman Kamil, who was murdered by a Palestinian on the Temple Mount last year, reacted to the Nation-State law passed yesterday. (Maariv)