Rosh Hashana is a time to reflect. If your reflection brings sadness - and rage - at the ongoing assault on the
values and principles you hold dear, both at home and in Israel, we share this with you.
This year, the Israeli Knesset legislated that those of us in APN - who work against boycotts divestment and
sanctions (BDS) directed at Israel but who advocate boycotting the occupation and products made in the settlements
- are not welcome in the Jewish homeland. Israeli law now states that a visa will not be granted to us because we,
as non-Israelis, and APN, the organization on whose behalf we work, knowingly published a public call to boycott
the settlements.
This year, Israeli lawmakers put on the Knesset’s docket bills to bar foreign donations to
Israeli human and civil rights organizations. Likud MK Miki Zohar, in proposing the bill, said: “The time has
come to dry up [the resources used by] leftist organizations that undermine the government, slander Israel and
try to infringe on its right to defend itself. We must block their funding sources and thus prevent them from
harming the state.” Not surprisingly, this bill targets progressive donors and does not affect the enormous
financial contributions made to Israeli organizations by the likes of Sheldon Adelson.