News Nosh 10.30.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday October 30, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“’I don’t exempt myself and the government of responsibility,’ Netanyahu should have said. Instead, he was quick to explain that the situation is not related to the occupation and the settlements, and he accused Abu Mazen of lies and incitement, as if the trips (Minister) Uri Ariel (who wants to change the status quo) made to the Temple Mount were innocent annual school trips to learn about the land.”
--Uri Segal writes in Maariv that US Secretary of State John Kerry was right: the waves of Palestinian violence will come and go until the Palestinians get a state.

You Must Be Kidding: 
 “The word ‘peace’ may escape from the lips of the former US president and then what will we do? At that moment, the rally will turn ‘political,’ Clinton will be declared a treasonous, Arab-loving ‘lefty,’ and everything will storm to heaven.”
--Ben Caspit explains how Yitzhak Rabin's assassin succeeded also in rewriting history so that the reason for his death would not be heard.
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Press Release: APN Joins Jewish Groups Honoring Rabin and Vowing to Continue on his Path

Washington, DC -- On the 20th anniversary of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, Americans for Peace Now (APN) is joining four other progressive American Jewish organizations to take joint action to honor Rabin’s legacy of peace, security, political pragmatism, democracy, and tolerance.

The groups, Americans for Peace Now, Ameinu, J Street, the New Israel Fund and T’ruah, are today issuing a joint statement vowing to continue on Rabin’s path, to help provide Israelis and Palestinians with hope for the security, freedom and dignity that they so deeply desire and deserve.

In memoriam of the 20th anniversary of the assassination, we believe that uniting progressive Americans in a solemn demand for a peaceful and democratic Israel has never been more necessary.

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Please join us for a briefing call on Wednesday, November 4th, at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time) with the leaders of APN, the New Israel Fund, J Street, Ameinu and T’ruah. The call, on the anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, will bring together the five organizations to help unite uniting progressive Americans in a solemn demand for a peaceful and democratic Israel has never been more necessary.

The call will bring together Daniel Sokatch, the CEO of the News Israel Fund, Jeremy Ben-Ami, the President of J Street, Rabbi Jill Jacobs, the Executive Director of T’ruah, and Debra DeLee, the President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now.

The call will be moderated by JJ Goldberg of the Forward.

To join the call, RSVP here, and you will receive a call-in number with an individual pin.

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Times of Israel: Protesting terror surge, thousands march in anti-government rally in Tel Aviv

Left-wing demonstrators demand Netanyahu’s resignation, say restoring security requires ‘a diplomatic solution’

Thousands of left-wing Israelis turned out in Tel Aviv on Saturday night for a rally condemning the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for what they called its poor response to the current security situation. They demanded Netanyahu resign, and said security could not be restored without negotiations with the Palestinians on a permanent accord.

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Living Rabin's Legacy

Rabin_Collage400On the 20th anniversary of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, Americans for Peace Now is joining four other progressive American Jewish organizations to take joint action to honor Rabin’s legacy of peace, security, political pragmatism, democracy, and tolerance. The five groups, Americans for Peace Now, Ameinu, J Street, the New Israel Fund and Truah, are today jointly issuing the following statement. The heads of the five organizations will discuss the statement, their collaboration and other related issues on a conference call next Wednesday, November 4th, the yahrzeit of Rabin’s assassination. Further joint action will follow and be announced next Wednesday.

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News Nosh 10.29.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 29, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"It shocks me how the first thing the government did was to deny any connection between the wave of terror and the occupation. That is part of the racism and dehumanization that again turns an Arab into a person whose nature is murderous and who has a perverted sense of morals." 
-Israeli actor Itay Tiran opens his mouth in interview to Yedioth ahead of the broadcasting of the suspense series he stars in. 

You Must Be Kidding: 
“So it turns out Arabs do good things sometimes.”
--One of many Facebook posts by right-wing Israelis celebrating the death of American-Israeli left-wing activist Richard Lakin, who succumbed to the wounds he suffered from an attack in Jerusalem by two Palestinians two weeks ago. 
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WATCH: One State Solution - The Trailer


Israel’s Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) last week produced a new video, formatted as a “trailer,” which wars against the bi-national state reality that Israel’s right wing is imposing on the country by its diplomatic intransigence. The video, depicting the brutality that is a bi-product of a bi-national state, is hard to watch, but it does reflect that reality-in-the-making in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

One State Solution - The TrailerPosted by PEACE NOW on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
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News Nosh 10.28.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday October 28, 2015

Quote of the day:
“We won’t accept the emerging trend by which only residents of the Territories will get benefits. Likud gives money to settlements at the expense of the Galilee and the Negev. Begin would be ashamed of being in the Likud today.”
--MK Eitan Cabel slams the government for removing periphery communities from the list receiving tax benefits and adding settlements in and around Hebron.

You Must Be Kidding: 
A Jewish group has offered $500 to any Jew who goes to the Temple Mount and is caught praying. 
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Ephron-DanOn the eve of the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, please join APN for a briefing call on Monday, November 2nd, at 2:00 pm Eastern Time, with Dan Ephron, the author of a new investigative book on the murder.

In Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel, Ephron tells the parallel stories of Rabin and his assassin, Yigal Amir, during the two years leading up p to the murder, and sets the scene to the two decades that followed.

Ephron is an award-winning writer, who has served as the Jerusalem bureau chief for Newsweek and the Daily Beast, and now lives in New York City.

The details of the call are as follows:

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Let the Sun's Light Rise: Discussion of Rabin's Legacy, November 5th

Ayelet_Nahmias-VerbinAs we mark the 20th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, APN supporters in the Washington DC metropolitan area are invited to join us on November 5th at 7PM at the DC JCC, for an evening of conversation and remembrance honoring Rabin, his legacy and leadership. Particularly at this time, it is important to commemorate an Israeli leader who had the courage to lead his people toward peace.

Led by the JCRC of Greater Washington, and co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now, the evening will feature Knesset Member Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin, a former assistant to Rabin, a current member of the Zionist Union, and a passionate activist for Rabin's legacy. 

For more information on this event and to RSVP click here:

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