PAST ACTION - Tell President Obama: Stand Up for Peace, Stand Up to Bibi

obama-and-bibi-482x252Update: this action, now closed, ran in March 2015. 

The recent Israeli elections definitively unmasked the real Benjamin Netanyahu.

  • Netanyahu cynically campaigned as an adversary of President Obama
  • Netanyahu brazenly ruled out a two-state peace agreement with the Palestinians
  • Netanyahu flagrantly incited racism and intolerance in the Israeli body politic
  • Netanyahu shamelessly stoked divisions within the American Jewish community
  • Netanyahu recklessly turned Israel into a partisan issue in Congress


Tell President Obama:  Stand up to Netanyahu.

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News Nosh 03.20.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday March 20, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Netanyahu in Hebrew: If I become prime minister, a Palestinian state will not be created.
Netanyahu in English: I did not go back on my speech at Bar Ilan University, I believe in the two-state solution."
--Israeli Army Radio journalsit Ido Benbaji Tweets in response to Netanyahu's interview to NBC News.

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Listen: Israeli Elections, Initial Analysis with Yossi Alpher

Alpher 320x265On March 18, 2015, the day after Israel's general elections, Israeli political expert Yossi Alpher was APN's guest on a briefing call analyzing the election results.

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News Nosh 03.19.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 19, 2015

Quote of the day:
"In the absence of the absolute pretension of being – even in appearance alone – prime minister to all, Netanyahu compared the attempt to replace him – through the election he himself initiated – as a putsch. He compared his rivals with ISIS [Islamic State] and his opponents to Hamas. He growled his rivals’ names with contempt, warning time and again against a “left-wing government supported by Arabs,” and in practice, identifying anybody not supportive of him as “left.” 
--Haaretz+'s Uri Misgav argues that while Binyamin Netanyahu may be prime minister, he is no longer the national leader of Israel.**

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Press Release: APN on Israeli election results: We have our work cut out for us

Washington, DC – Israel’s general election results are a disappointment for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans. They will undoubtedly make our objective even harder to attain.

Pre-election polls and the overall atmosphere in Israel preceding the elections provided us with hope for a government that would embrace the policies and values that we support. It now seems like Israel’s next government will provide us with more of the same, if not worse.

Moments like this are not new to us. Yes, they disappoint us, but we do not succumb to the disappointment. We know that our fight to secure peace for Israel and its neighbors is a long-term fight.  We care too deeply about Israel’s future as a democracy and a Jewish state to cede the struggle over Israel’s future character to the bullies and the bigots, the racists and the ultra-nationalists. We know that the only way for Israel to be loyal to the vision of its founders, to be both a secure, morally sound Jewish state and a democracy, is to end the occupation and reach a peace settlement with the Palestinians and the Arab world. Together with our Israeli sister organization, Peace Now, we will therefore redouble our efforts to advance this objective, serving as a bulwark against the rejectionists and the zealots, true to our core values.

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March 18, 2015 - Israel’s Knesset elections


 This week, Alpher discusses what happened in these elections*; what the next government is likely to look like; how Netanyahu engineered such a dramatic come-from-behind victory, despite the polls giving Labor (Zionist Camp) an advantage almost until election day; whether there are winners here, besides Netanyahu; how Herzog and Lapid are likely to respond to their setbacks, and what “losers” on the right who are nevertheless likely to join the coalition are going to do; how to explain the phenomenon of Israel's seeming to be set on a right-wing course, with no end in sight; and assuming Netanyahu now forms a fairly cohesive right-wing coalition, what are the main challenges it will face.

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News Nosh 03.18.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 18, 2015

Quote of the day:
"They voted for the man who admitted to having duped half the world during his Bar-Ilan speech; now he has torn off his mask and disavowed those words once and for all. Israel said "yes" to the man who said "no" to a Palestinian state."
--Haaretz's Gideon Levy examines what is in the mind of the Israeli voters who elected Binyamin Netanyahu.**

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News Nosh 03.17.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 17, 2015

Quote of the day:
""In order to reach a solution there must be readiness to compromise. We cannot continue to rule over another people. The Palestinians have national aspirations."
--Former Israesli prime minister Ehud Barak says on a panel the day before elections.**
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News Nosh 03.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 16, 2015

Quote of the day:
"As someone who survived the inferno, who lost the best of friends in the battlefield, I am fearful and I warn against a leadership that does not initiate a diplomatic-security initiative. That is leadership that will crush the Jewish and democratic identity of Israel and lead our sons from one wave of violence to the next."
--Gen. (res.) Amnon Reshef, who led an armored division that got the most casualties in the Yom Kippur War, writes why Israel must change its leadership.**

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APN's Ori Nir discussing Israeli elections on NPR's "To The Point"

Mr Ori NirOn March 13, 2015, APN's Ori Nir was interviewed on Warren Olney's NPR nationally syndicated show, To the Point, to discuss Israel's upcoming elections. 

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