Yossi Alpher Elections analysis


                Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

Below is a compilation of elections-related materials from Yossi Alpher's Hard Questions, Tough Answers, December 8 to the present.  You can see all Yossi Alpher’s Hard Questions, Tough Answers columns here.


March 18, 2015 - Israel’s Knesset elections - analysis
March 9, 2015 - Netanyahu’s speech to Congress: looking beyond the commentary heard thus far.
March 2, 2015 - Meanwhile, back home in Israel.
February 23, 2015 - Knesset election assessment.
February 16, 2015 - With one month to go, Netanyahu’s election manipulations.
February 9, 2015 - Jordan being dragged into the Syria conflict, escalated fighting in Sinai, an election update and more.
January 26, 2015 - Netanyahu's invitation to speak before Congress, new elections lists, the Saudi succession and more.
January 12, 2015 - The Paris attacks and the Islamist threat, election update, and more.
December 22, 2014 - UNSC Palestinian statehood votes; is there Israeli consensus on UN intervention? and more.
December 15, 2014 - Israeli Elections - small signs of hope; and security and violence.
December 8, 2014 - The Israeli elections issue.

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APN's Israeli Political and Electoral System 101


Israel is a parliamentary democracy with legislative, executive and judicial branches. The Knesset is the country's legislative organ. It is located in Jerusalem and includes 120 seats assigned on the basis of nationwide proportional representation. It operates through plenary sessions and through fifteen standing committees.

Knesset members are elected in four-year terms through party lists. They enact laws, supervise all government activities, and can elect or remove the President of the state.

The judicial branch, separate from the Knesset, includes both secular and religious courts.

The government coalition, which forms the executive branch, consists of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible for administering internal and foreign affairs, including security matters.


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Israeli Elections: Latest News & Polls

To follow the latest news and polls related to the March 17 Israeli elections, subscribe to NewsNosh - APN's summary of the Israeli media prepared daily by journalist Orly Halpern in Jerusalem.   Below is a compilation of elections-related materials from the NewsNosh, February 1-present.

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News Nosh 03.11.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 11, 2015

Quote of the day:
“Netanyahu offered autonomy; the Palestinians wanted a state. This is how he stopped [international] pressure on Israel.” 
-Likud representative explains how the Israeli Prime Minister avoided peace.**

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Press Release: APN to Hillel President: Reconsider Boycotting J Street Conference

Americans for Peace Now today called on Eric Fingerhut, the President of Hillel International, to reconsider his decision to boycott J Street’s annual conference. Fingerhut says he decided to cancel his planned appearance at the conference because one of the people invited to speak there is Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat.

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News Nosh 03.10.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 10, 2015

Quote of the day:
"No one has even apologized yet. Today, there is no difference between them and the terrorists in Hebron who throw stones or firebombs at us."
--IDF soldier responding to the attack on soldiers by Bat Ayin settlers.**

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March 9, 2015 - Netanyahu’s speech to Congress: looking beyond the commentary heard thus far


This week, Alpher discusses what was wrong with Netanyahu’s speech before the US Congress last week; what were some possibly positive contributions in the speech from the standpoint of Israelis who don’t support the prime minister politically; what issues the event raised; and significant political dilemmas framed by the speech.

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News Nosh 03.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 9, 2015

Quote of the day:
"(She) kills her husband and cries that she’s a widow,”
--Right-wing columnist Hagai Hoverman slammed Michal Kastan-Keidar for her Saturday night address to the Saturday rally to end the Netanyahu rule.**

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News Nosh 03.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 8, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“Enemies do not scare me; I worry about our leadership."
--Former Mossad chief Maj. Gen. (res.) Meir Dagan tells tens of thousands of Israelis at rally last night that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is putting Israel in danger.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: February 27 - March 6, 2015

Huffington Post - March 3, 2015
APN's Aaron Mann op-ed: Netanyahu's 'Mr. Security' Mirage


Tablet - March 4, 2015
Letty Cottin Pogrebin, in a tribute to Leonard Nimoy, remembers fundraising letter he signed for APN


Boulder Jewish News - February 27, 2015
APN Board Member Thomas Feldman (among others) letter to the editor blast Netanyahu's congressional speech


CNN Wire Service - March 1, 2015
APN: Netanyahu's brazen conduct hinders his efforts achieve his goals in Washington


CNN - March 1, 2015
CNN's Fareed Zakaria quotes Peace Now settlement report in interview with Herzog


San Diego Jewish World - March 2, 2015
APN press release on Netanyahu speech published in its entirety



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