News Nosh 10.26.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday October 26, 2014

Quote of the day:
"To enter Palestinian ghettos and get into conflicts with women and children is a recipe for killing women and children."
--Maariv commentator Ran Adelist blames the government for inciting E. Jerusalem to violence.**

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News Nosh 10.24.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday October 24, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Instead of showing that it is attentive to the concerns of its allies, the government has actually chosen to accelerate construction and is ignoring the damage this move will cause Israel."
--Israeli NGO Ir Amim responds to the Israeli government plans to advance the construction of 1,600 new East Jerusalem housing units.**

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News Nosh 10.23.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 23, 2014

Quote of the day:
“(President) Reuven Rivlin is lucky he’s a politician in Israel. Were he a politician in the United States, he’d be labelled an anti-Semite and likely forced from his job.”
--After Rivlin called Jewish Israeli society ‘sick’ earlier this week, Haaretz+ commentator Peter Beinart notes the double-standard allowing Jewish Israeli politicians to make criticism of Israel but not American politicians.**

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Lior Amihai in Haaretz: Thwarting any chance of a solution in Jerusalem

There can be no two-state solution without a compromise in Jerusalem. The latest moves to expand Israel’s presence in the eastern part of the city will make such a compromise impossible.

by Lior Amihai

After the Six-Day War, Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem and another approximately 29 Palestinian villages around it. Other countries and the Palestinians never recognized this annexation and the demand to establish the capital of the Palestinian state in East Jerusalem still stands. And so it is clear that a two-state solution cannot come about without a compromise over Jerusalem.

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns today’s deadly terrorist attack in Jerusalem.

A young Palestinian, a former security prisoner who is reportedly a member of Hamas, intentionally rammed a private car into a crowd in East Jerusalem, near Mount Scopus. He killed a three-month-old baby and injured eight other people. The suspected terrorist was shot, injured, and arrested.

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Anat Heffetz, on the Movement for the Future of the Western Negev

anat heffetzAnat Heffetz, a leader of a new peace movement that brings together residents of the Israeli south, spoke with APN on October 22, 2014 about the Movement for the Future of the Western Negev – its inception and its goals. To read more about the initiative of Anat Heffetz and her friends, see this Forward article.

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News Nosh 10.22.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday October 22, 2014

Quote of the day:
“It's time to make it clear to the prime minister and his ministers: This is not a reality show, this is a reality. In reality, you have to show results."
-- Labor leader and Opposition Chairman Isaac Herzog slammed the new alliance between Ministers Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni to advance the peace process with the Palestinians.**

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Settlement Watch News Flash: Settlers take over 2 Additional Buildings at Silwan

The Israeli Peace Now movement published the following News Flash today:

Settlers take over 2 Additional Buildings at Silwan

Yesterday, 20/10/2014, settlers entered early in the morning to 2 buildings at the Palestinian Silwan neighborhood at East Jerusalem, in the area called Battan Al Hawa. The buildings consist together of an estimated 9 housing units and families have been seen at the sites.

The two new settlements extend the settlers area of control at Silwan. They allow the settlers to have a new stronghold in an area that does not have other settlements in their immediate surroundings. The locations of the buildings are at Battan Al Hawa, in an area that is referred to as the Yemenite neighborhood (Harat Al-Yaman) or Al-Hara Al-Wusta. Unlike Wadi Hilweh  where settlers took over 7 buildings three weeks ago, Battan Al Hawa is an area in Silwan which is very crowdedly populated by Palestinians. The only settlement there, until yesterday, was of about 8 families, in "Beit Yonatan" and "Beit Hadvash", where the settlers can't safely walk in the street and can only reach their homes by an armored car and with armed guards.
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News Nosh 10.21.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday October 21, 2014

Quote of the day:
 “Listen, Abu Mazen, you (Palestinians) aren’t a people and therefore there’s no genocide...To annihilate you as a rabble is a mitzvah, and it will ultimately be carried out..."
-- Facebook post by Prof. Hillel Weiss, a professor emeritus as Bar-Ilan University and also a teacher at Orot Israel College of Education. The university responded: “A call to kill people is un-Jewish and immoral.” **

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October 20, 2014 - Fighting IS and an escalation of tensions in Jerusalem


This week, Alpher discusses the mosaic of radically conflicting interests among countries and peoples ostensibly fighting for the same cause - fighting ISIS and the growing escalation of tensions between Jews and Muslims on and around the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem in general.

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