News Nosh 08.29.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday August 29, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The soldiers exposed themselves to unnecessary danger..."
--IDF disciplines a group of soldiers serving in Hebron who crashed a Palestinian wedding party and danced with the guests to PSY.**

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Since the birth of the peace process, popular wisdom has held that an Israeli leader cannot be expected to expend much domestic political capital during talks, because political capital must be saved to "sell" any agreement at the end of talks. In principle, there is some logic in this argument. In practice, that logic is now hitting a brick wall. If recent events indicate the patterns of action to come, talks will be in danger of falling apart long before an agreement is in reach.

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News Nosh 08.28.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday August 28, 2013


Quote of the day:


"They are talking about everything without a framework or plan to deal with the issues. In actuality, this means they aren't speaking about anything."
--Noam Sheizaf writes a sharply worded Op-Ed in Maariv on the report that Israel only wants an interim agreement with the Palestinians. **

News Nosh 08.27.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Tuesday August 27, 2013


Quote of the day:

"Israel's behavior conveys the following message: 'If you compel me, I will engage in peace talks.' In other words, the only interest that guides the Israeli government is to avoid a colossal crisis with the world."
--Uzi Baram writes in Haaretz how the right-wing description of 'peace' must be ignored and the real meaning of peace must be adopted.**

The crusader of Israel-Palestinian peace

Rob Eshman / Jewish Journal (August 21, 2013)
Interview with Mark Rosenblum, an Israel-Palestine peace activist since 1978, describing why a peace agreement is in the interest of both sides and why he won't give up on peace.  Read More >

Over 1000 Units Promoted in Settlements During Negotiations

gilo-settlement-construction186x140.jpgPeace Now (Shalom Achshav) has released research findings by Lior Amihai of settlement watch, showing over 1000 units being advanced despite the ongoing negotiation process. Some of these plans (approx. 300) had been removed from the previous Higher Planning committee agenda due to the press coverage (including those of Shalom Achshav) of these being brand new plans, and the pressure from the then recently announced EU guidelines.

They write, "We are obviously concerned by these units, the legalization of an outpost and the impact this will have on the negotiation process.It is hard to argue about whether this is in contradiction to Netanyahu's recent commitment to limit new tenders to 1000 units over the negotiaiton process, but suffice it to say, this exemplifies that Netanyahu is placating to the interests of the settlers."

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Middle East Military Balance

Jewish Virtual Library (2013)
Statistical breakdown of the armed forces for each country in the Middle East. Includes troop totals as well as military vehicles, ships, and aircraft. Read More >

APN's Ori Nir on To the Point discussing the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations

Ori Nir

APN's Ori Nir was a panelist on Public Radio International's To The Point with Warren Olney on Wednesday, July 31, discussing the newly restarted Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.




Haaretz - Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer: Bennett and Katz Playing Into The Hands of Hamas


In October 2011 the Israeli government, with a huge majority including most of the Likud's ministers, voted in favor of releasing more than 1027 Palestinian prisoners, 280 of them having been convicted for murder and assisting in the murder of Israeli citizens, in return for the release of the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. The released prisoners were received as kings, and the Hamas movement used the opportunity to the utmost in order to show how violent resistance is the best way to make Israel bow down.

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Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer -Europe: A Step on the Road to South Africa


The EU decision is limited to the settlements, but if construction in the occupied territories continues, a boycott of Israel at large is only a matter of time

By Yariv Oppenheimer

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