Briefing Call with Ian Black, Middle east Editor of The Guardian

Ian Black

Ian Black, the Middle East Editor of the Guardian, was APN's guest on a briefing call on Monday, July 22. He spoke about the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, from the European perspective, and focused on the European Union's new policy regarding Israeli West Bank settlements.



Briefing call with Professor Mark Rosenblum of Queens College

Professor Mark Rosenblum

On July 11, 2013, APN hosted its founder, Professor Mark Rosenblum of Queens College for a briefing call on the situation in the Middle East and prospects for progress toward Israeli-Palestinian peace.



Briefing call with Arab public opinion expert Shibley Telhami

Shibley Telhami


On June 28, 2013, APN hosted Professor Shibley Telhami of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institute's Saban Center for a briefing call on Arab public opinion and on how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict plays in the Arab public's worldview.



UNRWA: Where UNRWA Works

UNRWA (2013)
Interactive map of locations in Gaza, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and the West Bank where UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for Palestinian refugees. Includes updated information and background on each refugee camp. Read More >

APN's Top 10 Messages of Encouragement to Secretary Kerry as He Returns to the Middle East

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With Golan fence, Israel closer to surrounding itself with barriers

William Booth / The Washington Post (June 11, 2013)
Questions over the benefit of Israel's system of walls are addressed as a new barrier in the Golan Heights nears completion. Read More >

POMEPS Conversations 20 with Shibley Telhami

June 7, 2013
The George Washington University's Marc Lynch, director of the Project on Middle East Political Science, speaks with author, professor, and Middle East expert Shibley Telhami. (19:45) Watch >

Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs

BBC (2005)
Documentary about the attempts to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from before the 2000 Camp David Summit until the end of 2004. Includes extensive interview footage with key players involved, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, Yasir Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, various Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, and cabinet officials from the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. (2:26:42) Watch >

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No. 48

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (June, 2013)
Includes statistics on Palestinian refugee public opinion, as well as Palestinian public opinion on questions related to the refugee issue. Read More >

Ha'aretz: "The organization behind illegal West Bank outpost construction"

Hever.jpg With friends in high places, law-evading ploys and piles of money in the bank, veteran settler leader Ze'ev Hever and his organization Amana are seemingly immune to Israeli legal action.

Ha'aretz | By Chaim Levinson | May 13, 2013

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