Stop Ignoring How Routine the Occupation Has Become


By Ori Nir

Israel TV Channel 2 recently ran a lengthy report of pre-dawn arrests of Palestinian children -- rock-throwing suspects -- at a West Bank Palestinian refugee camp. The TV crew was embedded with an Israeli unit that raided the camp.

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The organization behind illegal West Bank outpost construction

Chaim Levinson / Ha'aretz (May 2013)
In-depth look at how veteran settler leader Ze'ev Hever and his organization Amana have used friends in high places, law-evading ploys and piles of money in the bank to remain seemingly immune to Israeli legal action. Read More >

Despite Their Wide Differences, Many Israelis and Palestinians Want Bigger Role for Obama in Resolving Conflict

Pew Research Center (May 9, 2013)
Among other findings, shows that majorities of both Israelis and Palestinians both want U.S. President Barack Obama to play a larger role in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. Obama enjoys the confidence of 61% of Israelis, up 12 percentage points from 2011. Only 15% of Palestinians express confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs, with 82% saying they have little or no confidence in the American president. Read More >

wall-settlements186x140.jpgAccording to an Israeli radio report earlier today, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently ordered Minister of Housing Uri Ariel not to issue new tenders for construction in settlements.

On the heels of this report, Israel's Peace Now movement today confirmed that, since President Obama's visit to Israel in March, the government of Israel has not announced or approved any new West Bank settlement construction plans, and has not approved any new tenders for settlement construction. 

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'We Are Not Fanatic Killers'

David Kenner / Foreign Policy (May 2013)
Exclusive conversation with Khaled Meshaal in which the Hamas chief talks about how Assad should have listened to his advice, and why he's not "bloodthirsty" or "against" Jews. Read More >

Picture Show

This American Life (2013)
Story about the IDF practice of photographing Palestinian children in the West Bank for documentation. Includes interviews with current and former Israeli soldiers and Palestinians about the IDF's use of "mapping" operations. (23:50; story begins at 5:45) Listen >

The Road to Dispossession

Yesh Din (2013)
Graphic illustration of "The Case of Adei Ad" report and a summary of its content. The mini-site also features text of the full report with a complete set of data and analyses. Read More >

Recording of APN's briefing call with "The Gatekeepers" director Dror Moreh

Americans for Peace Now (2013)
Moreh discusses his Oscar-nominated documentary and reaction to the film. He also shares his views on the dearth of leadership among Israelis and Palestinians and lack of contact between them. (36:41) Listen >

The Voice of the People: Israeli Public Opinion on National Security 2012

The Institute for National Security Studies (April 2013)
Finds that support among Israelis for a two-state solution remains high despite skepticism regarding prospects for peace, while "support for the ideal of Greater Israel" has dropped. Concludes that "it seems certain that a 'package deal' on a complete and permanent agreement with the Palestinians presented by the government would be approved in a public referendum." PDF >

Passover letter: I've long believed that being Jewish is a calling - a vocation....

Leonard Fein

Dear Friend,

Soon, Passover. I've long believed that being Jewish is a calling-a vocation, if you will-and if that is so, then Pesach is surely an extraordinary contribution to the vocational education of the Jews.

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