How many times in the past few days have you wished someone a happy new year and were told “well, it can’t get worse than 2020”?
While it’s hard to argue with this truism, my take on our transition from 2020 to 2021 is less about just putting 2020 behind us and more about what we can do together in 2021.
I am looking forward to the new year on the merits of its own promise, regardless of the scorched earth that 2020 is leaving behind.
I’ll tell you what I mean by that.
First, in less than three weeks, we will have in the White House a President who is committed to a responsible, level-headed foreign policy, who will not deposit the Israel-Palestine file into the hands of his ignorant, smug son-in-law and his former bankruptcy lawyer, a messianic zealot, who thinks progressive Jews like you and me are “worse than kapos.” Yes, Trump’s ambassador to Israel David Friedman actually said that – among the other vile, incendiary things he said and did.