We are sorry to hear that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez will no longer be speaking at our Oct. 20th Yitzhak Rabin memorial. Her participation would have added to the event. We are certain that the event will be a success and invite the public to register and attend.
1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings &
3. On the Record
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
APN Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Event - REGISTER TO ATTEND
APN's daily news review from Israel - Thursday September 24, 2020
Quote of the day:
"...(Haaretz Editor-in-Chief) Aluf Benn is wrong when he calls the left-wing criticism of the accords (with
the UAE and Bahrain) 'achingly pathetic.' Israel’s control of the territories and its inhabitants and ending the
conflict with them are not just the litmus test by which the accords that Israel has signed must be judged – it is
the heart of the matter. Benn knows full well that despite the accords, tomorrow a Palestinian will stand
humiliated at a checkpoint and when the next Jewish holiday comes around we’ll impose a closure on our
--Executive Director of Breaking the Silence, Avner Gvaryahu, writes in an incisive Op-Ed today.*
APN's daily news review from Israel - Wednesday September 23, 2020
Quote of the day:
We are honoring "an American Supreme Court justice, a Jew, a champion of human rights in general and of
women's rights specifically. An inspiring, brave woman."
--Elad Tesler, a member of Kibbutz Ramat Hashofet (Kibbutz of the Judge Highlands), explained how kibbutz residents were honoring
former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: by changing the kibbutz name to 'Kibbutz Ramat Hashofetet,
meaning (Kibbutz of the female Judge of the Highlands).*
PeaceCast Episode #149: Israeli Memory of the 1948 Palestinian Refugee Problem
Rafi Nets-Zehngut’s new book (currently in Hebrew only) focuses on the
collective memory among Israeli Jews of the question of the Palestinian exodus from Palestine during the 1948
war, the war that Israeli Jews refer to as the War of Independence and that the Palestinians refer to as the
Naqba, the catastrophe.
One of his most intriguing and surprising findings is that the biased “official” Zionist narrative regarding this experience has been challenged in Israel and then lost its grounding much earlier than one may think.
How did this happen? Why is it important? How may it impact efforts to advance peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians?
Dr. Nets-Zehngut addresses these questions and others in this episode of PeaceCast.
APN Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Event - REGISTER TO ATTEND
A BBC News investigation has disclosed that Russian oligarch Roman
Abramovich, who was granted Israeli citizenship in 2018, controls companies that have donated $100
million to Elad, the East Jerusalem settlers' organization.
For years, Elad has worked to "Judaize" Palestinian areas of East Jerusalem, such as Silwan, causing disruption to the Palestinian residents, and in some cases, the eviction of families from their homes.
WATCH this important report, which includes both information provided to the BBC by Peace Now and comments from Hagit Ofran, Peace Now Settlement Watch director.
APN's daily news review from Israel - Tuesday September 22, 2020
Quote of the day:
“It does not take much to imagine how such an event would have ended had the driver been a Palestinian:
execution on the spot, before leaving the body out to lie on the ground until a sapper arrived to rule out the
possibility of an explosive device. Within minutes of the incident, the police would release a statement about an
attempted terror attack.”
—Journalist Oren Ziv compares the police reactions to a suspected car-ramming attack by a Jewish-Israeli and one by
a Palestinian.**
You Must Be Kidding:
"We need to try and kill anyone who raises his hand against a Jew. And he doesn't even have to kill [a
Jew], only strike him or want him dead."
--Said by the Tzfat (Safed) Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu.**