--Yedioth's commentator, Sever Plocker, writes in an Op-Ed today that the creation of enclaves based on nationality or ethnicity lead to more war.*
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Joel Singer was the Israeli legal architect of the Oslo Agreements. He is an expert on annexation and what it means for Israel and prospects for peace.
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
(from the translation provided by Israel News Today)
Netanyahu is right. This truly was an historic evening. The plan bearing Trump’s name seals one chapter and opens a new chapter in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two-state solution, which has dominated international discourse ever since 1993, has now lost the last vestiges of its relevance. One state will rule between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, under the grace of America. This isn’t a peace plan; it’s an annexation plan. Is that good for Israel or bad for it? It depends whom you ask.
We’ve had lots of American plans and mediators in the time since President Reagan’s plan in 1982. Each one of those initiatives created a major stir in its day. Despite the excitement, they left in their wake expectations that made reaching an agreement difficult.
The Trump plan has done more than that; it has given the Netanyahu government support to take a series of unilateral steps, starting this coming Sunday. In the initial stage, the settlement blocs and the Jordan Valley will be annexed. Israel will annex the isolated settlements and the access roads leading to them in the second stage.
This episode features a conversation with Daoud Kuttab, a veteran Palestinian journalist who splits his time between the West Bank and Amman, Jordan. He is the Director-General of the Community Media Network in Amman and a regular contributor to leading publications in both English and Arabic.