--Haaretz Editorial slams new Labor party chief Avi Gabbay for calling fellow Labor party MK Zouheir Bahloul an 'extremist' for saying he would not attend the ceremony in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.*
Please join us for a call with Brian Hauss of the ACLU who will brief us on First Amendment issues concerning anti-BDS/pro-settlements legislation.
Brian is the lead attorney for the ACLU in its lawsuit challenging the Kansas law that requires all state contractors to certify that they are not participating in boycotts of Israel and/or settlements in the West Bank. The ACLU is representing Esther Koontz, a Kansas math teacher and trainer who was removed from a teacher training program administered by the Kansas Department of Education when she would not sign a contract certifying that she does not boycott Israel – or companies profiting from settlements in the Occupied Territories.
Americans for Peace Now is deeply concerned at the increasing pace with which state governments are adopting legislation that conflates Israel and the occupied West Bank, and denies American citizens their constitutional right to protest the occupation through boycotts.
While opposing boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) that target Israel, APN supports boycotting Israeli settlements in the West Bank as a legitimate way to protest the settlements and the occupation. APN also believes that fighting BDS should not require – or justify – eroding constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and political protest.
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
This week, Alpher discusses President Rivlin's attack on Prime Minister Netanyahu and his coalition; Netanyahu's response; how you explain Rivlin; Netanyahu's birthday celebration and his son's birthday greeting; another lawsuit against Sara Netanyahu from an employee of the prime minister's residence; and the bottom line.
President Trump says he wants to broker the “ultimate deal,” a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. But since taking office in January, he and his aides have failed to offer a framework for negotiations, have failed to assert positions that are vital for securing a peace deal, such as sternly opposing settlement construction, and have refused to endorse the only viable formula for a deal: the two-state solution. He won’t even say “two states.”
Sign our petition: Tell President Trump to Say Two States
Only the two-state solution – two states living side by side in peace and security, each exercising sovereignty and political independence in part of the land that both peoples claim as their exclusive national homes – is a reasonable, viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It is the only viable option for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because neither
Israelis nor Palestinians will, nor should be expected to, give up their desire for self-determination in their
own state and because neither side can, nor should force the other side to, relinquish its national
Successive U.S. administrations, Republican and Democratic, have recognized these basic facts. They therefore made
the two-state solution America’s official policy – a key position guiding U.S. policy in the Middle East – for over
15 years.
The two-state solution has become a matter of consensus in the region and internationally. The parties, under their
own successive leaderships, have committed to this vision and negotiated to realize it. Even Prime Minister
Netanyahu, who heads the most hardline government in Israel's history, has explicitly endorsed it. For the Trump
Administration to eschew it is disastrous.
Without a concrete vision for peace, negotiations are fruitless punctuations to perennial violence. Extremists on
both sides have been trying to discredit the two-state vision since it was internationally adopted. Now they have a
partner in the White House.
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived