Furniture and Olive Trees

This Sunday – the 33 days between Passover and Shavuot -- is a Jewish holiday marking the cessation of a divinely-sent plague which killed thousands of people. According to one explanation, the plague was sent because people treated one another disrespectfully. This day is celebrated with bonfires and great joy. In Israel on Lag BaOmer a pall of smoke hovers over Jerusalem from all the bonfires throughout the city.

In past years, it has become a tradition among settlers in Hebron to break into the homes of Palestinians and steal property to use as fodder for bonfires. We hope that such abominations are not repeated this year. Destroying and vandalizing Palestinian property is unfortunately a matter of routine in the West Bank. A UN report notes that in 2016, settlers destroyed more than 1300 Palestinian-owned olive trees. This year, in April alone, over 200 trees were destroyed by settlers. This doesn’t include attacks on Palestinians who were working in their orchards, cultivating land, herding flocks, or even in their own homes. There is an average of two attacks per week against Palestinians.

Yes, a pall hangs over Jerusalem. But we have the power to help end this plague. This year, let Lag BaOmer stand for the end of the plague of violence against each other. Let this year see the cessation of the plague of destruction and xenophobia. Support Americans for Peace Now and our colleagues in Israel's Peace Now movement as we speak out against this shameful behavior.

DonateStand with us today.

Stand with us to send a clear message that settler malfeasance -- whether it is ransacking Palestinian shops for bonfires, attacking Palestinians, or cutting down olive trees -- is not acceptable. Stand with us and our commitment to you that we will continue to work for peace and a two-state solution, regardless of attempts to silence us, regardless of attempts to keep us out of the country, regardless of price-tagging and death threats to our tireless colleagues in Israel's Peace Now movement. Stand with us as we take a firm stance against violence, whether Israeli against Palestinian, or Palestinian against Israeli. Violence by either side is intolerable, and must end.

Americans for Peace Now will always tell you the truth, and we will stand with you until there is peace. Support us today with a tax-deductible donation.

B'vircat shalom - with a blessing of peace,

Rabbi Alana Suskin

PS. Recently we were forced to cancel our June Study Tour to Israel due to the "Entry Law" passed by the Knesset. This anti-democratic law prohibits entry into Israel by non-citizens who support boycotting the settlements and/or settlement products. While rejecting BDS, APN proudly supports boycotting the settlements -but not Israel- as a measure toward ending the settlement project. After announcing the cancellation we were subjected to hate-filled e-mails calling us all kinds of disgusting names. But we are undeterred: We are the true pro-peace, pro-Israel supporters that Israel desperately needs at the moment. On this Lag BaOmer let us remember the price of dehumanizing others.

APN/ Peace Now in the News: May 1-12, 2017

Haaretz: May 12, 2017
"Trump's policy on Israel turns U.S. Jewish groups topsy-turvy," APN among dovish American Jewish groups who say they'll support Trump if he's serious about peace (APN's Ori Nir quoted). 

The New York Jewish Week: May 3, 2017
"Travel Ban Law Roiling Birthright, Liberals," APN opposes Israel's new "Entry Law" - cancels Israel tour.

Legislative Round-Up: May 12, 2017

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. On the Record

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News Nosh 5.12.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday May 12, 2017
You Must Be Kidding: 
“Radical left-wing organizations like Peace Now and Yesh Din file petitions against settlements in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] night and day when they have no connection to the issue.” 
--David Shain, head of Likud’s youth wing, partnered with the Movement for Governability and Democracy to push legislators to submit a bill, which would prevent Israeli organizations from petitioning the High Court in the name of Palestinian rights and Israeli crimes.
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On May 27th, we will bring back hope

Two States One Hope

After fifty years of occupation, Israel has reached a critical point in time. It is more important than ever to ensure that the two-state solution remains possible both on the ground and in public opinion. While a majority of Israelis support a two-state solution, they do not believe it is possible right now. To bring about a fundamental change, we need to restore hope.

On May 27th, Peace Now will bring back hope.

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News Nosh 5.11.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday May 11, 2017
Quote of the day:
"This is the nation-state of the Jewish people and all of its citizens. Why does 'democratic state' not appear in the legislation?"
--Meretz leader MK Zehava Galon called out during an angry Knesset debate over contentious Jewish nation-state bill.*
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News Nosh 5.10.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday May 10, 2017
You Must Be Kidding: 
At a park during a police-community relations activity, the policeman warned the children that they will hear gunshots during the demonstrations, adding they shouldn’t be worried. Four policemen from a patrol and riot control unit arrived on motorbikes and opened fire in the direction of the "assailant," and continued on shooting him after he fell to the ground – in order to make sure he was dead, as the audience was told.**
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News Nosh 5.09.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday May 9, 2017
Quote of the day:
"No momentary political capital and the smell of elections in the air justify the violation of what was promised in the Declaration of Independence and does not justify incitement against a minority living within us. No momentary electoral interest of any functioning public is justified by a series of legislative acts that embarrass the Declaration of Independence or Herzl's dream."
--Opposition leader and Zionist Camp party chief, MK Isaac Herzog said in reaction to the passing of the Jewish nation-state bill by the Ministerial Committee.*
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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses the significance of Abbas's meeting with Trump, the election of Hamas's new leader, and Hamas's new "Document of General Principles and Policies"; the importance of these developments from Israel's standpoint; and the connection between the new document and the election of Ismail Haniyeh.

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News Nosh 5.08.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 8, 2017
Quote of the Day #1:
"[This bill] is a declaration of war against Israel’s Arab citizens and against Israel as a democratic and properly governed society.”
--Meretz Chairwoman Zehava Galon said at the passing of the nation-state bill, which revoked the status of Arabic as an official language of Israel.*
Quote of the Day #2:
“It is quite possible that it is precisely (Trump), the guttural, impatient leader, who lacks the knowledge and the ability to analyze history, who will be the one who will force us to deal with (our) fear. Without any glory and fanfare, there is not a bad chance that he will be the one who will help us find the courage not to be weak.”
--In Maariv, Dr. Revital Amiran reviews Zionism’s change after conquering the Palestinian Territories in 1967 and explains how US President Donald Trump might be able to bring about peace.**
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