--Former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo asserted on Tuesday that the Israeli occupation and the conflict with the Palestinians are the only existential threat facing Israel.*
Former Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo today joined a slew of Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet chiefs who lambaste the Israeli government for not taking he initiative to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Pardo spoke today at the Netanya Academic College. Here are some quotes from is speech, translated from the Hebrew original:
"The Jewish State has one existential threat. It's a time bomb that is ticking all the time and has been ticking for some time. We have chosen to bury our heads in the sand. Deep in the sand. To feed ourselves with alternative facts and escape reality while creating various external threats.
When government officials visit Israel and seek the truth about West Bank settlements, they go to one source: Peace Now’s Settlement Watch.
Last week, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson did just that. While on an official visit to Israel and the Occupied Territories, Johnson met with Peace Now for a briefing on settlements. Lior Amihai, head of Settlement Watch, explained the extent to which settlements damage prospects for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians.
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
This week, Alpher discusses PM Netanyahu's threats to take the country to new elections and their relation to his demand to dismantle a new broadcasting authority; why the broadcasting authority issue is the focus of political tensions; why Netanyahu launched this bombshell while on his way to China; and where the security factor regarding Syria and Lebanon fits in.
1. Bills & Resolutions, & Letters
2. SFRC Approves David Friedman (Party-Line Vote)
3. Hearings
4. On the Record
Note from Lara Friedman to Round-Up readers: As some people may have already heard, on April 1, 2017 I will be
leaving Americans for Peace Now to take up a new position as the President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
But have no fear: APN will continue its important and incredibly effective work going forward. If you are not
signed up already, I encourage you to sign up today for APN’s Weekly Update and daily Israeli press summary. And if you don’t
already know him, now would be a very good time to meet my brilliant APN colleague Ori Nir.
And also, have no fear: in my new capacity at FMEP, and with the agreement of APN, I will continue to publish the
Round-Up (I just can’t give it up – but in the future it will be purely information/analysis, with zero
advocacy). Starting the first week of April, look for the Round-Up posted online at my new home (fmep.org), and cross-posted by APN here, in its usual place at my old home (peacenow.org), alongside the Round-Up
archive (which goes back more than a decade).