News Nosh 12.15.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 15, 2014

Quote of the day:
“How can a bus driver work if the passengers endanger his life? He can’t get off at the bus stop or even change places. Like a sitting target he can only guess who will decide to attack him, curse him, spit on him, beat and injure him.”
--Haaretz Op-Ed writer, Tirtza Flohr, laments the violence towards Arab bus drivers, many of whom have quit or stopped working in Jerusalem following the hanging of one of their colleagues and the regular violence from passengers.**

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News Nosh 12.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday December 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
 "The study of plants for medicinal purposes was the prime goal, but the cooperation with the researchers from the Palestinian Authority and from the rest of the nations was no less important."
--President of Hadassah College, Professor Berthold Friedlander, remarks on the unusual cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian researchers in a three-year study on medicinal plants found in the land they share and says that peace will come from the academia.**

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APN Legislative Round-Up: December 12, 2014

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News Nosh 12.12.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday December 12, 2014

Number of the day:
--Percentage of Israelis who do not want Israeli Prime Minister Binaymin Netanyahu to serve another term - up from 60% last week.

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Netanyahu, in the Knesset, stands by an exit sign.

Ahead of the 2015 elections, American Jews should influence Israel's future character – not through their pocketbooks, but by asserting their vision of how a Jewish, democratic state should look.

For American Jews who care about Israel’s future as a democracy, as a Jewish nation-state that champions Jewish values, as a Jewish homeland they can be proud of, Israel’s early elections are a call for action.

The next 96 days leading up to the March 17 elections offer American Jews a rare opportunity to influence Israel's future character – not through their pocketbooks, but by asserting their vision of what a Jewish, democratic state should look like.

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illegal outposts320x265On December 7, 2014 the High Court ruled on Peace Now’s petition number 7891/07 which demanded to carry out Central Command’s delimitation orders and evacuate six West Bank outposts. High Court President, Asher Grunis, ruled that the state must evacuate structures in the outposts located on private Palestinian land, but that there is no place for the court to intervene in the state's prioritization of delimitation orders enforcement and did not oblige the state to evacuate structures located on state lands or survey lands, in light of the state's intention to legalize them.

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Debra DeLee

I know that the headlines are terrible, and that people are throwing up their hands and feeling defeated. "The two-state solution is hopeless," they say. "We will never have peace."

But... consider:

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News Nosh 12.11.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 11, 2014

Quote of the day:
"This is not the first time that a Palestinian participating in a civilian demonstration pays for it, wrongly, with his life. Perhaps because of the senior status of the latest casualty, those in charge will finally be demanded to take steps to investigate the cases and prevent the next unnecessary killing."
--Meretz MK Michal Rozin responds to the death of the Palestinian minister Ziyad Abu Ein following an altercation and scuffle with Israeli Border Police at a peaceful rally yesterday.**

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News Nosh 12.10.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 10, 2014

Quote of the day:
"The extreme right doesn’t recognize the word “border”; the “moonstruck” left, or perhaps it’s the “delusional” left, sings hymns to a binational state; and the banal left is willing to support a Palestinian state without drawing its borders. Thus all that’s left for the extreme center is to offer a non-solution, without negotiations and without Palestinian consent."
--Haaretz analyst Zvi Bar'el writes about the 'members of the extreme center party, which include Tzipi Livni.

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VIDEO and PHOTOS from 4th Annual Professor Gerald B. Bubis Lecture Event

APN and co-sponsor Valley Beth Shalom held the very successful event on Thursday, December 4, 2014, at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.  A large crowd heard keynote speaker Daniel Seidemann, leading Israeli expert on contemporary Jerusalem, speak on "Getting Real About Jerusalem."  VBS' Rabbi Ed Feinstein engaged Mr. Seidemann in a conversation following his talk.


A video of the event is available HERE.  

In case you want to go directly to certain parts of the event, including the very insightful talk by Daniel Seidemann, the time guides are:

4:50 - 5:55 - Jerry Bubis' Remarks
8:15 - 41:20 - Daniel Seidemann "Getting Real About Jerusalem"
41:52 - end - Conversation with Rabbi Feinstein and Audience Q&A



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