APN/Peace Now in the News: April 25-May 2, 2014

San Diego Jewish World - May 1, 2014
APN 'appalled' by Conference vote to exclude J Street (press release reprinted)

The Forward - May 1, 2014
APN demands reform in Conference of Presidents

LA Jewish Journal (JTA story) - April 30, 2014
Peace Now: Israel advanced some 14,000 West Bank apartments during talks

Northbynorthwestern.com - April 29, 2014
APN's Ori Nir and ATFP's Ghaith al-Omari speak at Northwestern University

News Nosh 05.02.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday May 02, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Netanyahu is completing the series of racist laws that have been emerging in recent years and is leading Israel to become the first racial state of the 21st century."
--MK Mohammed Barakeh, head of Hadash party on Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's plan to "legally anchor" Israel's status as "the nation-state of the Jewish people."**

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) is appalled and deeply disappointed at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization's failure to accept J Street, an important player in the pro-Israel arena, into its ranks.

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News Nosh 05.01.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday May 01, 2014

Number of the day:
--The number of 'price-tag' attacks by right-wing Jewish Israeli extremists on Palestinians and Arab Israelis and their property in 2013, according to US State Department report.

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North by Northwestern: J Street U Northwestern speakers speak on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Rachel Fobar

 J Street U Northwestern hosted a discussion and Q-and-A session tonight with Ori Nir and Ghaith al-Omari, who argued that a peaceful two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is possible.

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News Nosh 04.30.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 30, 2014

Quote of the day:
"We are making great efforts to convince the world that [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas is a peace rejectionist who embraces Hamas...This is a strong card and it would be wrong to lose it."
--Israeli political officials explain why the Defense Minister was ordered to cancel a meeting to be held today to advance settlement construction.**

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During the 9 months of Secretary Kerry’s efforts in the region, the Israeli Government promoted plans and tenders for at least 13,851 housing units in the settlements and East Jerusalem - an average of 50 units per day and 1,540 units per month.

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Events: Peace Partners Hosted by J Street U

 Join us for our new series of events, "Peace Partners." APN, The American Task Force on Palestine and J Street U present Ori Nir (APN) and Ghaith al-Omari (ATFP) on the current status of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
For more information, visit our events page.

On Monday, April 28, Professor Shibley Telhami of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institute briefed APN on the consequences of the pause in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

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