(Translated to English and provided by Israel News Today)
I want to tell you a few personal words. Words written from my heart.
Let me introduce myself briefly: I was the personal secretary of five prime ministers. Almost half of the prime
ministers in Israel since its establishment. For many years, I sat next door to the prime minister, and I saw a
lot. Mostly, I heard.
APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday October 29, 2013
Quote of the day:
"The first thing needed to make peace is to respect the other side, to see the other side in human terms,
as an enemy but not as demonic.''
--Uri Avnery, the 90-year-old peace activist and former politician, talks about whether Israel has what it takes to
exist in the future.**
This week, Alpher discusses that given both an intensifying Israeli-Palestinian negotiating process and a spike in violent incidents with Palestinians, which way we are heading; whether, in addition to the Saudi decision to reject a UN Security Council seat, there are additional manifestations of anger or disappointment with America among its Middle East friends; and what was significant about Israel's recent municipal elections for the broader public and political scene.
APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday October 28, 2013
Quote of the day:
"I loved you in summer."
--The song, by Lebanese singer Fairouz, was posted on Facebook by Israeli forces Arabic public
relations Spokesman Avichay Adraee causing a storm among Arabs.**
APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday October 27, 2013
Quote of the day:
"I left the UK because of my mother's illness and I returned to Israel, which depends on its sword. If I had known, I would probably not have returned."
--Famous Israeli poet Natan Zach tells Yedioth why he thinks it is okay for Israelis not to live in Israel.**
Earlier this week, APN Director of Policy and Government Relations, Lara Friedman, had the honor (and fun) of participating in the 2013 Google Ideas Summit in New York, as part of a panel entitled, "Digital Word Warriors." The panel was moderated by Michele Dunne, of the Atlantic Council.
+972 Seth Morrison- Lying by omission: The JNF's role in setting Negev land policy
The Jewish National Fund has in the past been caught lying about its role in East Jerusalem evictions of
Palestinians. Now its role in Israeli land policy in the Negev is revealed to be much larger than it admits. A
former JNF board member demands the organization take responsibility for its actions.
For many years the Jewish National Fund (KKL/JNF), the group known largely for planting trees in Israel, has denied
any involvement in taking Bedouin land as part of its efforts to Judaize the Negev. Its website says, "KKL-JNF
develops land only in areas designated in the master plans as instructed by, and as requested by the ILA (Israel
Land Authority), which are state lands or KKL-JNF lands."
Putting it simply, they were just taking orders.
Click here for
APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday October 25, 2013
Quote of the day:
"They reached out and I responded."
--IDF spokesman Peter Lerner on his Twitter exchange with Hamas's military wing.**
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