Statement on the Proposed Ceasefire Deal

June 3- Americans for Peace Now strongly supports the three-phase proposal announced by President Biden for the release of the hostages, a ceasefire, and humanitarian aid to Gaza as steps towards ending the ongoing and horrific war in Gaza. We urge Israeli elected officials across the political spectrum to provide the Prime Minister with the political support he needs to put this plan into practice. Additionally, we urge President Biden and world leaders to exert every ounce of leverage they have with the Israeli government and with Hamas, and bring this war to an end.

There is no “total victory” for Israel and certainly none for Hamas. There can only be respite for long-suffering innocent Palestinians and Israelis, who deserve the chance to begin to rebuild their shattered societies before it is too late.

“If Prime Minister Netanyahu commits his government to this proposal, he will be welcomed if he comes to Washington to address Congress,” said APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind.  “Meanwhile, President Biden is again doing all in his power to end the carnage, return the hostages, and begin a process towards a long-term solution to this conflict. He deserves all of our support.”