Press Release: APN Outraged by JNF-KKL's Decision to Bolster West Bank Settlements

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is outraged by the Jewish National Fund-Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (JNF-KKL) Executive Committee’s vote yesterday (April 11th 2021) to allow buying land in the West Bank for settlement expansion. APN urges the JNF-KKL’s Board of directors to reject the decision when it comes to its final vote on April 22nd.

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Press Release: APN Welcomes Biden's Resuming Aid to Palestinians


Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now warmly welcomes the Biden administration's decision to resume US aid to Palestinians, which not only benefits the Palestinians but is also good for Israel and for prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

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APN to Biden: Block Settlement Construction North of Bethlehem

Americans for Peace Now urges the Biden administration to clearly oppose and act to block the planned construction of hundreds of new settlement homes in a strategic location between East Jerusalem and Bethlehem, which would thwart the contiguity of a future Palestinian state.

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Press Release: Israel's Real Endemic Crisis is the Occupation

Washington, DC -- A day after the fourth round of general Israeli elections in two years, with most of the votes counted, Israel seems still stuck in an ongoing, almost endemic political crisis.

But the real crisis is not the absurd cycle of elections. The real destructive crisis threatening Israel's security and democracy is its 53 years of occupation and de-facto annexation of the West Bank that pushes Israelis and Palestinians farther still from an eventual settlement to their conflict.

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Press Release: ICC Investigation’s Message: End the Occupation

A month ago, the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruled that it has jurisdiction over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip -- territories under Israeli occupation since 1967. Today, as expected, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda confirmed her intention to open a criminal investigation into actions of Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that are suspected as war crimes. The actions that will be investigated include Israel’s policy of constructing settlements in the occupied West Bank.

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Press Release: APN Condemns JNF Board Decision to Buy West Bank Land for Settlements


Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns the decision by the Jewish National Fund's Executive Board to start officially purchasing land in the West Bank to expand Israeli settlements.

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Statement: Stop JNF Plan to Buy West Bank Palestinian Land for Settlements

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed by reports that the Jewish National Fund intends to start officially purchasing land in the West Bank to expand Israeli settlements. Such a step would be a dramatic change in the JNF's policy, with potentially dramatic repercussions. It could significantly bolster the Israeli settlement enterprise, which is aimed at thwarting a future two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Statement: ICC Decision is Unavoidable Consequence of Ongoing Occupation

The international Criminal Court (ICC) over the weekend ruled that it has jurisdiction over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip -- territories under Israeli occupation since 1967. This opens the path for the ICC to launch formal investigations against Israel and against Hamas for alleged war crimes.

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Press Release: APN Disappointed at Biden Administration's Support of IHRA 

Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now (APN) is disappointed at the Biden administration's support of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, as expressed yesterday by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kara McDonald.

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Press Release: APN Welcomes Biden's First Policy Statement on Israel-Palestine

Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now (APN) warmly welcomes the Biden administration's statement yesterday, asserting its intention to restore diplomatic relations with the Palestinians, as well as aid for the Palestinians.

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