Hard Questions, Tough Answers (4.9.18) - From Gaza to Syria to . . . Honduras


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses what the leaders of the mass Gaza demonstrations at the fence hope to achieve; why there are so many dead and wounded demonstrators; a prognosis; how developments in Syria affect Israel; and Honduras.

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Six Past Mossad Directors Call for Diplomacy with the Palestinians

In 2003, four former heads of Israel’s secret counter-terrorism service, Shin-Bet, were interviewed by the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth. Their criticism of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s inaction to advance a diplomatic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict caused an uproar and deeply influenced Sharon. The interview later triggered the award-winning documentary film The Gatekeepers, featuring six past Shin-Bet directors who criticized the political status-quo.

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Gaza Escalation

Palestinians announced their intention to hold peaceful demonstrations from Land Day (March 30) through Nakba Day (May 15), with Gaza as the focal point. APN and Shalom Achshav respect the right of Palestinians to protest nonviolently, and call on Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint and act responsibly to avoid further bloodshed. We call on Prime Minister Netanyahu to pursue a political solution.

Action Alert: Tell Your Senators to Support Humanitarian Relief for Gaza

APN and Shalom Achshav Publications

7.30.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers (July 30, 2018) – Syria/Iran and Gaza: two fronts and two policy proposals
7.16.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers (July 16, 2018) – Gaza
5.1.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers - Africans and Gazans: refugees, job seekers, "terrorists"?
4.10.2018 Briefing Call with Israeli political columnist Akiva Eldar. Eldar discusses the current Israel-Gaza crisis, Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing and legal challenges, Israel-US relations, and more.
3.30.2018 Press Release: APN Alarmed at Gaza Death Toll; Calls for Responsible Action to Prevent Further Deterioration
3.31.2018 Shalom Achshav: Netanyahu – Stop the Escalation Now!
4.2.2018 Video from Shalom Achshav protest at Likud HQ in Tel Aviv

3.19.2018 APN’s Debra Shushan in Haaretz: Trump’s Inept and Cruel Gaza Policies
PeaceCast episode #44: Brian Barber Seeks Words for Gaza
PeaceCast episode #43: Omar Shaban sees hope in Gaza
PeaceCast episode #23: Gaza Misery with Abby Smardon of UNRWA
PeaceCast episode #14: Gaza Unplugged
PeaceCast episode #13: Gaza Crisis and Qatar’s Role

They Say, We Say: What About Hamas and Gaza?

Recommended Reading

8.8.2018 Haaretz: Israel, Hamas to Agree on Cease-fire by End of August, Report Says
8.8.2018 YNet: Erdan: There may be secret channels to talks with Hamas
4.9.2018 Amos Yadlin for the Institute for National Security Studies: A Sense of Victory on Both Sides: A Recipe for Escalation in Gaza?
4.2.2018 The New York Times (editorial): Israel Courts Catastrophe in Gaza Protests
4.2.2018 International Crisis Group backgrounder: Gaza Protests Mark Shift in Palestinian National Consciousness
11.11.2017 B'tselem backgrounder on Gaza

Listen: Briefing call with Israeli columnist Akiva Eldar (4.10.18)

APN hosted a briefing call Tuesday, April 10th, at 1:00 pm EST with veteran Israeli political columnist Akiva Eldar.

Eldar discussed the current Israel-Gaza crisis, Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing and legal challenges, Israel-US relations, and other political topics.

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APN to Fellow US Jewish Groups: Condemn Netanyahu's Attack on the New Israel Fund

Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly rejects Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's absurd accusations against the New Israel Fund and calls on fellow American Jewish organizations to stand behind the New Israel Fund and Israel's civil society.

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APN Alarmed at Gaza Death Toll; Calls for Responsible Action to Prevent Further Deterioration 

Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed and saddened by the loss of life of unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip, and warns against further deterioration of hostilities on the Israel-Gaza border. APN calls on both sides, Israelis and Palestinians, to exercise restraint and act responsibly to avoid further bloodshed.

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Ambassador Friedman Threatens Palestinians with Regime Change, Opens Door to Annexation

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is at it again. This time, in an interview with an Israeli Orthodox newspaper, he is threatening the Palestinians with regime change and indicating that the Trump Administration will not intercede to prevent the Israeli government from annexing parts of the West Bank.

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Pro-Israel Jewish Organizations Condemn Dangerous Appointment of John Bolton

The following joint statement was issued on March 28, 2018 by Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, J Street, National Council of Jewish Women, the New Israel Fund and T’ruah:

“As American Jewish organizations and strong supporters of Israel, we are deeply alarmed by the appointment of John Bolton to serve as President Trump’s National Security Advisor. His long record shows him to be a fierce advocate for belligerent policies that would endanger the national security of the US, Israel and our allies around the world.

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Peace Now's annual report on settlement construction in 2017 in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem) reveals 17% more building than the yearly average over the better part of the past decade. Of the new construction, 78% took place in isolated settlements beyond the Geneva Initiative border, a slight increase from 2016. Tenders published in 2017 reached a two-decade record high, while the new settlement of Amihai (for the Amona evictees) and three outposts were founded.

The steady pace of construction and building deep in the West Bank attest to Prime Minister Netanyahu's steadfast abetting of the settlement enterprise. It is also apparent that the new U.S. presidency in 2017 had no marginal deterrent effect on these Israeli unilateral moves, which continue to inflict severe damage on Palestinians' way of life and on prospects for a two-state solution.

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APN Calls for Restraint on Land Day, Warns Against Deterioration to War

Large numbers of Palestinians are expected to participate in “The Great March of Return” this Friday, which is Palestinian Land Day and coincidentally also the start of the Jewish holiday of Passover. While protests are also planned for the West Bank and by Palestinian citizens of Israel, Gaza is the focal point for Land Day activity, as well as a key flashpoint given the mounting tensions there since President Trump’s December announcement regarding Jerusalem. Friday’s events are planned to kick off a series of similar marches and rallies in coming weeks, leading to May 15, the day after Israel’s 70th anniversary of independence which is marked as Nakba Day by Palestinians.

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