Peace Now Demonstration of Sanity


Israel's Peace Now movement, Shalom Achshav, organized a demonstration in Tel Aviv Thursday, calling for restraint and denouncing violence, incitement and revenge. Several thousand Israelis gathered for this Demonstration of Sanity, and listened to speeches by Knesset members and leading peace activists, including Peace Now's Secretary General Yariv Oppenheimer.


















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Washington, DC –Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel, supports Israel's right of self-defense and calls on the government of Israel to avoid harming innocent civilians as it retaliates for the rocket attacks.

Commenting on the current escalation, APN President and CEO Debra DeLee stated:

"The escalating violence on Israel's border with Gaza is deeply alarming. Once again innocent Israelis are being targeted by rockets, while innocent Palestinians are caught in the crossfire as Israel exercises its legitimate right to self-defense.

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APN in good company on Haaretz's front page with President Obama, advocating for peace

Link to the article from American President Obama at the top of the page, as well as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' piece also published in conjunction with the Ha'aretz Israel Peace Conference.

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ALPHER_Yossi-office320x265Israeli strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher, who authors Hard Questions Tough Answers, APN's weekly news analysis, was our guest on Thursday, July 3rd, for a briefing call on the current Israeli-Palestinian security crisis and its repercussions.  Since Thursday, Alpher's presentation has been overtaken by events; we have included here the still relevant Q&A session.

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Dave Pollock of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy is the author of Beyond Words, a study of Palestinian incitement. In this interview, he talks about his study, about the impact of incitement – both Palestinian and Israeli – and about ways to reduce it.





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Americans for Peace Now (APN) mourns with the Palestinian people the death of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the 16-year-old Palestinian kidnapped and brutally murdered last week in Jerusalem.  APN (once again) condemns the kidnapping and the killing, and sends its condolences to the Abu Khdeir family. APN calls on the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian factions, to prevent further escalation and further loss of innocent lives.

APN's President and CEO Debra DeLee said:

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: July 7, 2014


Q. The past week has witnessed the discovery of the three yeshiva students' bodies near Hebron, their highly emotional funeral, the kidnapping and brutal murder of a Palestinian boy from Jerusalem, and the apprehension of his young Jewish murderers. Meanwhile, Arab citizens of Israel are rioting, while rockets from Gaza continue to hit as far as Beersheva. A new intifada?

A. No, or at least, not yet. There are a number of important factors that distinguish the current situation from the circumstances that led to the second intifada that erupted in the fall of 2000; they mitigate against a new one.

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Press Release: APN Condemns Killing of Palestinian Teen; Calls to Stop Incitement

APN condemns the killing of a Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem.  The government of Israel must act swiftly to investigate the murder and bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice.  It remains to be established whether Muhammad Abu-Khdeir (16) was murdered as revenge for the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli youths in the West Bank.  What is absolutely clear is that in the wake of the murder of the three Israeli youths, the Israeli government has fomented a mood of revenge among Israelis, beginning with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s promise of “revenge” for the killings.  That mood began taking concrete form in demonstrations and marches yesterday in Israel, which were marked with calls of “death to Arabs,” as well as attacks against Arabs inside Israel.   

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Peace Parsha: “By Spirit Alone”: Force Should be the Absolute Last Resort

by APN's Summer Intern, Hannah Ehlers


Not by might and not by power,
but by spirit alone shall we all live in peace.

I can still remember as a young girl sitting on the sun-stained carpet of our synagogue’s makeshift music room and allowing my shy, quiet voice to rise with the voices of the other children surrounding me. Our childish, out-of-tune voices sang of our love of God, the Earth, and one another. Debbie Friedman’s song, “Not by Might, Not by Power” became my Sunday school favorite and, when I was brave enough to speak up, I requested it and shouted “ruach!” as loud as I could at the right time.

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Briefing call with Israeli strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher, Thursday, July 3rd

ALPHER_Yossi580x375Please join us for a briefing call with Israeli strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher on Thursday, July 3rd at 2:00 PM Eastern Time to analyze the security and political situation following the murder of the three Yeshiva students in the West Bank.

The details of the call are as follows:

Date: Thursday, July 3rd

Time: 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058
Participant Access Code: 147414

To receive a link of the recording, please email us at 

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