Hard Questions, Tough Answers - Naftali Bennett: Terrorist? Traitor? (May 23, 2022)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Recording: Palestinian Journalists under Occupation

Featuring Daoud Kuttab and Mohammed Daraghmeh

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Past Action: Urge your Member of Congress to push for a US-led investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

For those of us who care about peace between Israel and Palestine, last week was incredibly hard. We are outraged – first by the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh during an IDF incursion in the West Bank town of Jenin, then by the violent attack by Israeli police on her funeral on Friday.

Freedom of the press is of paramount importance, particularly when conflicting narratives and biases often obscure the truth, as is the case in Israel-Palestine. The State Department has called Ms. Abu Akleh’s death “an affront to media freedom.” And while the State Department has made statements supporting a thorough investigation by the Israeli government, this is not enough. Americans for Peace Now has called for a swift and independent investigation of the circumstances that caused her death and now members of Congress, led by Representatives Andre’ Carson and Lou Correa, are requesting the State Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) launch an investigation into Ms. Abu Akleh’s death as well.

It is important that the United States protect Americans reporting abroad and that includes conducting independent investigations when a journalist is harmed.

Read the full text of the letter here.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers - It's the Occupation (May 16, 2022)


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Webinar: West Bank Settlements – Homesh as an Example and a Symbol

Featuring Dr. Dana Mills

Our partners at Shalom Achshav are leading a coalition of peace and human rights organizations on a campaign to highlight the breach of Israeli and international law, and of the violations of Palestinian human rights associated with the illegal settlement of Homesh in the northern West Bank.

On this May 19th webinar, at 12:00 PM EST, acting Executive Director of Shalom Achshav, Dr. Dana Mills, will provide background and analysis on the illegality and significance of Homesh. She will also discuss broader developments related to West Bank settlements, shortly before President Biden’s visit to Israel.

Statement: APN Condemns Israeli Government Approval of New Settlement Construction

Americans for Peace Now strongly condemns the Israeli government’s decision to approve construction of 4,427 new homes in West Bank settlements.

Last week, APN urged the Biden administration to act to block the approval. The White House expressed its displeasure with the settlement announcement, but the Government of Israel went ahead with the plan.

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Press Release: APN Urges Independent Investigation of Journalist's Killing in the West Bank

Outraged by the killing of journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh during an IDF incursion in the West Bank town of Jenin, Americans for Peace Now (APN) urges a swift and independent investigation of the circumstances that caused her death. APN conveys its deepest condolences to Abu-Akleh’s family.

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Hadar Susskind in the Forward: Anti-Zionism is not (necessarily) antisemitism


Anti-Zionism is not (necessarily) antisemitism

For ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt to depict any and all anti-Zionist views or attitudes as antisemitic is wrong.

At the Anti-Defamation League’s national summit last week, ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt unequivocally stated that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.” No ifs ands or buts. No reservations. No nuance. He repeated his statement, explaining that he does so “because words have power. Words have meaning.”

He’s right about one thing: words do matter. And that’s why it’s so disheartening to see a well-respected leader from an organization as important as the ADL make a statement that is so clearly false.

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Press Release: APN Urges Biden to Block New West Bank Settlement Construction

Americans for Peace Now (APN) urges the Biden administration to block Israel’s planned construction of 4,000 more homes in West Bank settlements.

The plan, publicly announced today by the Civil Administration, Israel’s governing occupation authority in the West Bank, includes 25 settlements, most of them deep inside the West Bank. The Civil Administration’s planning committee is expected to approve the plans this coming Thursday. It will be one of the largest single batches of settlement construction authorization in recent history.

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