APN High Holiday Letter from President & CEO Hadar Susskind

September 2020

Dear Friend,

Twenty-five years ago this November 4th, thousands of Israelis gathered at a Peace Now rally in what was then known as Kings of Israel Square. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who had the courage to shake his enemy’s hand on the White House lawn just two months earlier, stood in front of the audience of hopeful faces and announced “the path of peace is preferable to the path of war.” Sadly, we all know what happened next. Minutes later, he was gunned down by a radical national-religious Israeli, assassinated for his willingness to embrace change, to grow beyond a military commander and become a champion for peace and a better future for Israel and its Palestinian neighbors.

Perhaps you were there, holding a candle and singing with thousands of Israelis and Aviv Geffen as he almost predicted the outcome of the evening with his somber lyrics, “to cry for you.” Yitzhak Rabin risked and lost his life for a chance to make peace. He did not succeed. But we shall continue until his dream is realized. Yitzhak Rabin is my hero. And I hope you will join me this fall as we commemorate his life and his legacy.

There will be more information coming soon regarding APN’s October 20th celebration of Yitzhak Rabin, which will be hosted by actor, social activist, and APN board member Mandy Patinkin. But in the meantime, I hope you will consider making a gift to APN as we gather for the High Holidays and continue to work towards the peace that Rabin championed—and all of us—believe in so passionately.

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Shortly after the El Al jet arrived back from Abu Dhabi at Ben Gurion Airport last Tuesday, bringing the dignitaries and a large chunk of Israel’s press corps home, an Israeli radio channel broadcast a scoop: Israel and the United Arab Emirates will negotiate jointly sending astronauts to outer space. There was great excitement in the studio. “UAE and Israeli astronauts, together, in the same rocket ship,” crowed one anchor, while the other quipped that “They’ll pay for the fuel.”


Well, not really.

That same night, three Gazan siblings, a five-year-old and two toddlers, were burned to death at the Nussirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Most Gazans still get only four hours of electricity per day, so they are forced to light candles after nightfall. It was by these candles that the fire in the al-Hazeen home started, and because of the water shortage in Gaza, relatives and neighbors could not find a water source to douse the flames.

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Statement on Israel-US-UAE Meetings in Abu Dhabi

Americans for Peace Now's objective, and indeed our dream, is to see Israel living in peace with all its Middle East neighbors, far and near. If Israel's normalizing its relations with the UAE were a step towards ending the occupation of the West Bank, then we would be all for it.

Sadly however, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his allies in the White House will pocket the Israel-UAE normalization agreement to further normalize, entrench and perpetuate the occupation. We are therefore reluctant to celebrate today.

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Mandy Patinkin Invites you to APN's Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Live-streamed Event - October 20

Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Event 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Dear Everyone, and I mean everyone-

Unbelievably, this is the 25th anniversary of the loss of one of our greatest leaders, Yitzhak Rabin. On the evening of October 20, I will have the honor of hosting Americans for Peace Now’s Memorial Event, which will be live-streamed and free for you to attend.

(Click the picture to watch my video message)

CLICK for an invitation video from Mandy Patinkin

Together, we will honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin with those who knew him, worked with him for peace, and were and remain inspired by him.

We will also highlight the relevance and importance of his leadership for us today – especially today – when mass protests for democracy and justice are happening in both Israel and the United States, powered by a generation who were not even alive during the Rabin years.

The event will feature friends in Israel, leaders from the political world, peace and social justice activists, and others. You will also see, hear, and sing along to special musical performances, and participate in the memorial candle-lighting.

An evening like this affirms my pride in serving on the board of Americans for Peace Now.

(The photo shows me speaking at a Peace Now conference in Israel, some time ago, with a good deal more hair on my head!)

Please register to attend and save the evening of October 20 in your calendar. We need meaning, inspiration and hopefully a little bit of fun, now more than ever, and I look forward to finding that together, even virtually... More details will be coming your way soon.

See you there...

Mandy Patinkin

Yitzhak Rabin 25-Year Memorial Event - Mandy Patinkin Invitation Video and Registration

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APN Condemns Deadly Stabbing Attack in Israel

APN strongly condemns the murder today of Rabbi Shai Ohayon, an Israeli citizen in Petah Tikvah, near Tel Aviv.

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Peace Now's Shaqued Morag: We are not distracted!

Do you know the Chassidic story about the rabbi and the goat?

A congregant comes to the rabbi for advice, complaining about the unbearable conditions at his tiny, cramped home. The rambunctious children are fighting. His wife is a hoarder. Everything is stuffy and grim. The Rabbi tells the man to buy a goat and keep it in the house. A week later the poor man comes back incensed. The goat is unbearable. It’s noisy and smelly. It eats everything. Rabbi, help! The rabbi cups his chin and says: well, go ahead and sell the goat. A week later, the man returns happy. Thank you, rabbi, he says, I got rid of the goat and life is wonderful! The house is spacious, the children are quiet, and it even smells good.

I don’t know if Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump intended to use the idea of West Bank de-jure annexation to distract from the ongoing de-facto annexation through settlement construction. What I know is that many were distracted by the annexation goat, both in Israel and in the United States.

Not us. Not Shalom Achshav.

While we are obviously concerned about the possibility of formal annexation, our mission for the past four decades has been to fight the informal, creeping, de-facto annexation of the West Bank. Day in and day out, we witness what it does to the Palestinians, to our democracy, and to the prospects of us reaching a peace agreement with our neighbors. We know how badly it stinks.

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PAST ACTION: Say NO to settlement expansion - Help block the E-1 plan

Update: this action, now closed, ran from August 24-August 28, 2020. 

Prime Minister Netanyahu's plans for annexing the West Bank have been put on hold. Maybe. But his efforts to undermine a two-state solution continue unabated. His government is currently advancing plans for a new settlement project in the territory known as E-1.

E-1 is a narrow piece of land between East Jerusalem and the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. The international community has long viewed settlement construction in E-1 as a redline, as it would undercut the viability of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and prevent the creation of a contiguous Palestinian state.

This Friday, August 28 is the deadline for submitting objections to the construction plan. Right now, thousands of Israelis, led by our partners at Peace Now - together with Ir Amim, and the Association of Environmental Justice in Israel (AEJI) - are mounting a major opposition campaign.

Stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel by adding your name to block this plan and preserve prospects for a just and viable solution to this conflict. Together with our colleagues from the Progressive Israel Network, we will be submitting this petition to Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who has the authority to block this plan from moving forward.

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APN Webinars - Audio Recordings

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PeaceCast Podcast: "Yossi Alpher on the Israel-UAE Agreement"

In this episode of APN's PeaceCast podcast, independent Israeli security analyst Yossi Alpher assesses the various aspects of the Israel-United Arab Emirates normalization deal.


Yossi Alpher is the author of Hard Questions, Tough Answers, APN’s weekly analysis of political and strategic affairs. Now an independent security analyst, Alpher is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. 

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