This week, on the first anniversary of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Americans
for Peace Now (APN) celebrated the achievement of this historic deal – a deal that has already proven itself by
radically rolling back and limiting Iran’s nuclear program.
APN President and CEO Debra DeLee commented:
“We reiterate today our thanks and congratulations to President Obama and his P5+1 partners – France,
Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China – on this historic agreement and its ongoing implementation. A
year on, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has proven itself a clear win for the American people,
for U.S. leadership, for U.S. national security and, we believe, for Israel. Already this agreement has
dramatically and verifiably rolled back Iran’s nuclear program, stringently limited Iran’s ongoing and future
nuclear activities, and taken off the table what pre-JCPOA was the looming threat of Iran obtaining a nuclear
weapon in the foreseeable future. The implementation of the JCPOA also ensures that, where in the past
the U.S. and international community had very limited means to monitor Iran’s activities, today, should Iran
decide to break the terms of the deal and try to ‘sneak out’ to a nuclear weapon, there is a far greater chance
such an effort would be detected and the U.S. and its allies would be in a far stronger position to respond