News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:
This morning the Army Radio reported that Minister of Defense Ya'alon authorized the declaration of 1,545 dunams
south of Jericho as state land. This land has been overtaken by settlers years ago for the purpose of agricultural
cultivations. According to the Army Radio the declaration will be published in the coming weeks. This is the
largest declaration since August 2014, when 4,000 dunams in the Etzion Bloc area were declared as state
lands, resulting in an international storm of criticism.
This approval comes after several declarations and confiscations in the last few weeks as two orders were signed on
23 December 2015, intended to take over new lands in the Qalqilya region and Qusra region southeast of Nablus (see
details below).
Peace Now: Continued land confiscation by the Netanyahu government is a diplomatic
catastrophe. The government's decision is another step on the way to destroy the possibility for a two state
solution. Netanyahu is being dragged by Naftali Bennett and begins a silent annexation of area C.