News Nosh 08.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday August 12, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"A temporary directive was issued to underscore the ways in which troops on the ground must handle situations that do not constitute an imminent threat to their lives."
--An IDF statement on the important change (or clarification) to the rules for opening fire on Palestinians: no more shooting at people who are running away.
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News Nosh 08.11.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday August 11, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"I ask you not to turn Barzilai Hospital into an Israeli Guantanamo Bay in which prisoners are allowed to be tortured when other hospitals refuse to do it."
--MK Basel Ghattas (Joint List) wrote in a letter to Barzilai Hospital director, after Israel transferred hunger-striking Palestinian administrative, Mohammed Allan, to hospital, likely in order to force-feed him.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"As your eyes can see, gathered together at the sacred site are the ‘Red Cow’ organization, the ‘Builders of the Temple’ organization, the ‘Pulsa de Nora Rabbis,’ the ‘Hilltop Youth,’…’The Beast Destroyers,’ the ‘Altar Slaughterers,’ the ‘Tree Cutters,’ the ‘Mosque Burners,’ the ‘Church Arsonists’ and other various comrade activists and representatives of the secret gangs that operate within the enemy organizations of our people, who wear masks out of fear that they will be identified by rats of the Shin Bet who planted them within our forces, but we know who they are and we will expose them at the time and place that we determine….”
--Commentator Natan Zehavi shares his prophecy of how the 25th anniversary of the death of Rabbi Meir Kahane will look.

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August 10, 2015 - Europe and Israel: between shared interests and the threat of sanctions



This week, Alpher discusses the European Union and Israel's shared issues and interests that mitigate against tensions on Israel regarding the settlements and the peace process including energy, illegal immigration, and intelligence; how European Jewish immigration to Israel affects Israeli-European ties; where the Greek financial crisis fits in; and what happens if EU economic sanctions against Israel because of the Palestinian issue grow stronger and even develop into political and cultural sanctions; where this leaves the European-Israeli relationship and what Israel should do about it.

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News Nosh 08.10.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday August 10, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"Will the (Israeli) government now tell Jewish communities around the world how to run the family unit?" 
--A source explains one reason why the Jewish Agency pulled out of Netanyahu's 'Diaspora Initiative.'

You Must Be Kidding: 
“…these (Jewish) guys are organizing, acting, going out, throwing fire bombs, beating Arabs, publishing incitement on internet blogs in ways you wouldn't believe - and that's not considered terror or a security risk in legal terms."
--Former Shin Bet official explains how different sets of Israeli laws for Palestinians and for Israelis let Israelis literally get away with terror.
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News Nosh 08.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday August 9, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“Which do you prefer burning: a church or a baby?”
103FM Radio talk show hosts ‘Shai and Dror’ ask Beni Gopstein director of racist right-wing organization Lehava in a surprise phone call after Palestinian baby burned to death in arson attack and Gopstein says he believes churches need to be burned.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"I can deliver a message to Ruby Rivlin: you can sleep peacefully at night…Nobody is going to kill him. He is not important enough for someone to kill him."
-- Daniella Weiss, a settler activist and supporter of hilltop youth believed to be behind murder of Palestinian baby and father, 'reassures' Israeli President he doesn't need to worry about threats to his life.
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News Nosh 08.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday August 7, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"Every society has its extreme fringes, but today we need to ask ourselves: What is it about the public atmosphere that gives the zealots the feeling that they can strut safely in the mainstream? What made it so that these weeds are threatening the well-being of the entire field?"
--Israeli President Reuven Rivlin looks inward following last week's murders.
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News Nosh 08.06.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday August 6, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"In my view, if we all are silent about these things, we are all collaborators.”
--President Reuven Rivlin responds to his detractors for speaking out against Jewish terror.
You Must Be Kidding: 
“Of course I am.”
--Right-wing Lehava organization director, Beni Gopstein, answered the question in a debate about whether he is in favor of burning churches.

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There's a lot of noise right now about the Iran nuclear deal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some Jewish community organizations have declared war on the deal. They and their allies – including members of the right-wing Evangelical movement and point-scoring political partisans – are bombarding members of Congress, the public and the media with a barrage of anti-deal talking points and sound bites.
I fear that lost in this din are key facts that members of Congress – who will soon have the responsibility to vote whether to approve the deal – as well as the public at large, need to know.

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News Nosh 08.05.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday August 5, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"They want to build a new holy temple and they want to kick out, expel, eliminate, what they call 'idolaters'. And if that, by chance, reminds you of the ideology of ISIS and Hamas, it probably is not far from reality.” 
--Former senior Shin Bet official, Lior Ackerman, compares Jewish extremists to ISIS, after one was put under administrative detention (prison without charges). 

You Must Be Kidding: 
--Percentage of investigations into settler attacks on Palestinians that were closed without indictments, despite Israeli authorities claims of being committed to cracking down on nationalistically-motivated crimes.
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What is "Price Tag"?

Last week’s arson attack in the West Bank village of Duma burned to death a Palestinian baby and severely injured his parents and his brother. It also re-introduced to the term “Price Tag,” the violent attacks by settlers – mainly against Palestinians, and sometimes against Israelis – that range in severity between vandalism and murder.

The attack again demonstrated the misperceptions among Israelis and Americans about the nature of the violence perpetrated by extremist settlers. Contrary to what many would like to believe, these acts of violence – including murderous attacks such as last week’s – are typically not carried out by lone psychopaths or even by a handful of lunatics.

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