
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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Washington, DC – The vision submitted today by Donald Trump's White House for an alleged final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict deals a severe blow to efforts to achieve real peace between Israel and the Palestinians. 

This vision is not a "peace plan" but rather a scheme, co-authored by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump, to allow for an immediate annexation of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the entire Jordan Valley. Hours ago, shortly after the Trump "vision" was unveiled, Benjamin Netanyahu's government announced that it will submit to the Knesset an annexation bill this coming Sunday.

This plan is a recipe for disaster, for annexation, for the perpetuation of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, for the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for misery and bloodshed. 

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News Nosh 1.28.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday January 28, 2020

Quote of the day:
“If you look at the dictionary, you'll understand (the Palestinian entity laid out in the Trump plan) isn't the definition of a state. That is not what the plan allows, and so the resistance from the Right and the rabbis is a mistake."
--Unnamed 'senior US official' tells 'Israel Hayom' that right-wing does not have to be concerned that the Trump plan gives Palestinians a state.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Over the course of the past decade, the likelihood of separation has diminished. The right-wing is creating the reality of one large, binational state…Another neighborhood and another outpost - and the binational state, which will be non-Jewish and non-democratic, is forming. So maybe, who knows, this is the last opportunity the right-wing can be a part of. So the choice is not between the Clinton outline, the Geneva Initiative or the John Kerry draft in 2014 and the Trump deal. The choice is between a bi-national state and the Trump deal."
--Yedioth's right-wing commentator Ben-Dror Yemini says the threat of the illegal expansion of the settlement enterprise on the side of Israel should be reason enough to convince the Zionist left-wing leaders to accept the Trump plan.*

Breaking News:
Netanyahu Withdraws Request for Immunity From Prosecution in Corruption Cases, Indictments Filed in Court Against Him (Haaretz+, Israel Hayom and Ynet)

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APN's News Nosh: Daily News, Direct from Israel


News Nosh, a daily news summary brought to you directly from Israel is produced by Jerusalem-based journalist Orly Halpern. News Nosh will be emailed to you every morning, so you can enjoy your a.m. coffee while perusing the major headlines and a summary of Israel's daily news, or you can read it here!

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Last Friday, Palestinian community organizer and activist Ali Abu Awwad gave a stirring speech at an APN cosponsored event held at the Middle East Institute.  In particular, Abu Awwad described his own life story, including being raised by an activist mother who was beaten and brutalized by Israeli security forces, and participating in the First Intifada, as a desperate and angry boy picking up stones to confront an overwhelming military force.

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The White House is expected to unveil President Trump's "Deal of the Century" for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on January 28th 2020. APN offers the following analysis to help assess Trump's proposal.

How to Assess the Trump Plan

APN does not presume to prescribe a detailed formula for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We appreciate efforts by past US administrations to avoid prescribing or imposing a detailed peace plan. At the same time, we strongly believe that any US-authored peace plan, if it is to have a chance of succeeding, must assert a framework based on several unshakable principles.

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News Nosh 1.27.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday January 27, 2020
Quote of the day:
"This is what happens when one corrupt politician wants to help another corrupt politician. The real deal is between Trump and Netanyahu. Peace should be between two peoples and not two crooks."
--Joint List party head Ayman Odeh described Trump's peace plan.*

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Partners for Progressive Israel webinar (co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now and NCJW)

This online discussion can be accessed via your computer or by phone.


Online elections for the 2020 World Zionist Congress are underway – and the results will be crucial, impacting the distribution of $5,000,000,000 in budget money over the next five years and affecting every area of Jewish life worldwide and every aspect of life in Israel – including the funding of West Bank settlements.

Joining us on Wednesday, 29 January, 12:30-1:30pm Eastern Time to discuss the World Zionist Congress elections and their importance both “here” and “there” will be two superb panelists, one American and one Israeli:

Nancy Kaufman, past CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women and a member of the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate

Hagit Ofran, Co-Director of the Settlement Watch project of the Israeli Peace Now movement (Shalom Achshav)
The conversation will be introduced and moderated by Hadar Susskind, Campaign Director for the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel slate. This event is co-sponsored by Americans for Peace Now and National Council of Jewish Women. A Q&A will be included.

Please tune in for this important webinar!

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News Nosh 1.26.20

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday January 26, 2020

Quote of the Day #1:
“While the world is busy worrying about Trump's declarations and the administration's reactions, the situation on the ground is deteriorating, and the aggression and antagonism of the settlers are only getting stronger."
—Ghassan Douglass, who follows settler activities in the northern West Bank, said after settlers attack and injured a Palestinian father and son.*

Quote of the Day #2:
"Don't say I'm delusional. According to what's going on in the State of Israel, it can still happen, anything can happen. If Miri Regev is the Minister of Culture, Naftali Bennett is Minister of Defense, Amir Ohana is Minister of Justice and David Amsalem is Minister of Communications, then (Kahanist Itamar) Ben-Gvir and Trimbobler (wife of killer of Yitzhak Rabin) can integrate wonderfully around the government table."
--Maariv commentator and radio host, Natan Zahavi, wrote that he would not be surprised if two of the most extreme right-wing people running in the upcoming Israeli elections were to become part of the government.*

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APN Alarmed at Reported Trump "Peace Plan"

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed at reports regarding the plan that the Trump administration is reportedly planning to unveil next week for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. APN joins its Israeli sister organization Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in stating that a so-called peace plan that does not adopt the principle of two states for two peoples – two sovereign, contiguous states living side by side in peace and security within defined, recognized borders – belongs in the trashcan of history.

Since the Trump administration announced its intention to submit a "peace plan" for Israeli-Palestinian peace almost three years ago, APN suggested the following guidelines for assessing the viability of such a plan. Following are our guidelines:

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