Progressive Israel Network Opposes Netanyahu’s Annexation Pledge

Responding to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement of his intent to extend Israeli sovereignty over large parts of the West Bank, the Progressive Israel Network released the following statement:

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Americans for Peace Now calls on the Trump administration, Congress, and fellow American Jewish organizations to act to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from carrying out his declared intention to annex wide swaths of the occupied West Bank immediately after next week’s Israeli elections.

Such a step would be an existential threat to Israel’s security and wellbeing. Particularly if endorsed by the United States, it would likely destroy future efforts for a negotiated Israeli-Palestinian peace, upon which Israel’s future as a democracy and a Jewish national home relies.

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News Nosh 9.10.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday September 10, 2019

You Must Be Kidding: 
"After all, there are 1.8 million Arab residents."
--Statement made by former state comptroller Yosef Shapira, who at the time explained why he instructed his office to translate the prefaces to every state comptroller report into Arabic. However, his successor, Matanyahu Englman, does not see that reason as sufficing and intends to cancel the translations to Arabic.**

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Reuters: "Israel's settlers and the Palestinians they live among" (September 9, 2019)

According to Peace Now, an Israeli anti-settlements watchdog, Beitar Illit saw the most construction of all Israel's West Bank settlements in 2018.

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JTA: "Who is Avi Berkowitz, the Kushner adviser stepping in to work on Israeli-Palestinian peace?" (September 6, 2019)

The problem with Berkowitz, said Debra Shushan, the legislative director for Americans for Peace Now, was not his callowness but the very experiences he brought to the job.

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Rosh Hashana: A Holiday of Hope

Barbara Green is a long-time activist and volunteer with Americans for Peace Now

I groaned when asked to write a peace parsha for Rosh Hashana this year.  It gets harder each time. The reasons for optimism fade almost daily. With a critical election looming in Israel and an American president who calls Jewish Democrats disloyal, it's tempting to just walk away from the Israel issue and our longstanding struggle for an end to the Occupation and the creation of a Palestinian state.  Every once in a while, I remember the feeling of euphoria after the signing of the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn in 1993. We used to make a gesture -- thumb and forefinger a scant millimeter apart -- and say to ourselves, "Peace is this close. It can never go back to the way it was." Didn't really happen that way, right?

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Event photos and tribute slide show come after the videos

Event Highlight Video

All still photography and videography from the event was done by j. concepts productions (highly recommended!).  

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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News Nosh 9.9.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday September 9, 2019

You Must Be Kidding #1: 
“I really asked my staff, and they all said that you looked pleasant and gentle and that you are surely a good dentist but everyone thought that this way, with the head covering, it wouldn’t work for us in the clinic … even if we would make you appointments and fill the schedule … people wouldn’t want … there would be a lot of problems with this … We’d have a lot of problems, which wouldn’t be justified, but we’d have problems with this. So you know, I’m left with the sympathy and the good intentions but I can’t fulfill them … I can’t fulfill it under these conditions.”
Director of dental clinic tells Arab dentist who wears a Muslim headscarf why she didn’t get the job. He was fined.*

You Must Be Kidding #2: 
"When it comes to the suspects who are in custody, who don't see their family, who are under psychological pressure that is suitable for use by the Shin Bet investigations - we are in trouble. This is how evidence is obtained? Is that the way?"
--Yedioth senior commentator Ben-Dror Yemini argues that the psychological methods used by the Shin Bet interrogators for obtaining testimony (ostensibly from Palestinians) are unsuitable for use not by the Shin Bet - in other words, that Jewish Israelis should not be interrogated the way that Palestinians are by the Shin Bet But he expresses no problem with those methods being used on Palestinians.**

Breaking News:
Iranian militias in Syria launch failed missile strike against Israel after 18 people were killed in an aerial attack by an unidentified aircraft on Iranian targets in Syria near the Iraq border. (Israel Hayom and Ynet)

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News Nosh 9.8.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday September 8, 2019

You Must Be Kidding #1: 

"Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors."
--Yair Netanyahu, son of the prime minister, wrote in a Tweet.

You Must Be Kidding #2: 
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned in recent days of the danger that the election will be “stolen" due to alleged voter fraud by Arab citizens of Israel. The Likud party alleged voter fraud at more than a hundred polling stations from the April elections.
The police investigated and found one case in favor of Likud.**

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Slide show presentation of tributes and more shown at the APN Award Luncheon in Los Angeles on September 8, 2019.

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