Legislative Round-up: April 26, 2019

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

  1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters
  2. Hearings
  3. On the Record

Shameless Plug: Last week’s Round-Up included details of letters sent to the Department of Education demanding answers and retribution for an academic conference held by UNC & Duke, dealing with Gaza. Since then, media reports continued to breathlessly repeat and even escalate the charges made in the letters - underscoring the need for someone to set the record straight. Which I did, in an April 24 op-ed: Why So Much Fuss about a Conference in North Carolina?

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Ha'aretz Opinion: "American Jews, Resist Netanyahu Like He's Trump" by APN's Ori Nir (April 22, 2019)

Netanyahu's new government - even more predatory and defiant than before - must usher in a fundamental shift in American Jews' activism against Israel's extremists and their alliance with Trump

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Go HERE for "American Jews, Don't Walk Away From Israel" by Debra Shushan, APN Director of Policy and Government Relations

In the coming months - and probably years - Americans will witness Israel sliding faster and deeper than ever before toward becoming an anti-democratic, intolerant, annexationist, jingoistic, fanatical, xenophobic state.

The trajectory is not new. But following Israel's general elections, the slope’s incline is steeper than ever before. Benjamin Netanyahu’s next coalition may be (much) more of the same in terms of its makeup, but its policies may well mark a paradigm shift. 

With the Trump administration’s almost unrestricted backing, Netanyahu’s new government will be much more predatory and defiant in its establishing facts on the ground that preclude a peace settlement with the Palestinians and undermine democracy. 

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Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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APN Passover Haggadah Readings

Legislative Round-up: April 19, 2019

Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived

  1. Bills, Resolutions, & Letters
  2. Hearings
  3. On the Record

Recommended reading: Fun piece about evolving controversy, emerging policy disagreements among Democrats on the Hill, including among 2020 contenders, on Israel-Palestine.

Also, here’s a neat piece published this week in the Federalist (the political outlet published by the husband of Meghan McCain), written by “Jason D. Hill is honors distinguished professor of philosophy at DePaul University in Chicago” - openly endorsing war crimes against the Palestinians (you gotta read it to believe it).

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News Nosh 4.17.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 17, 2019

Quote of the day:
"On the one hand, he treats the Arabs in Israel as unworthy of participating in government and accuses his rivals of allying with the Arabs and he even incites against them, but on the other hand, he tries to meet King Abdullah for the elections."
--Jordanian source told Arab media that Jordan found Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's behavior towards the Israeli Arabs surprising.**
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News Nosh 4.16.19

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday April 16, 2019
You Must Be Kidding: 
"Why would an American Jew would be interested in relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel?"
--The question a Ben-Gurion Airport security officer asked Laura Mandel, a US board member of The Abraham Initiatives, a Jewish-Arab Israeli organization whose purpose is to advance coexistence, equality and cooperation between Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens.**
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News Nosh 4.14.19

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday April 14, 2019

You Must Be Kidding: 
After court ordered demolitions for homes of hundreds of Palestinians under guise of zoning, Jerusalem municipality changes plans to allow for settler construction
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