Expanding the Settlers’ Hold in Hebron

FOTG_HebronThe Israeli government is in the process of establishing – by stealth –the first new settlement complex (28 units, providing housing for some 100 settlers, or a 10% increase in the settler population in the area) in Hebron in more than a decade. This action directly contravenes Israeli law, which prohibits seizing lands for military needs and then using them for the purpose of settlements. It also contradicts the principle of distinction between civilians and combatants, and constitutes a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law. In addition, allocating these properties to the settlers based on the argument that they belonged to Jews before 1948 in essence constitutes implementation of a “right of return” for Jews, at the expense of protected Palestinians tenants – even as Palestinians are denied any parallel “right of return” to properties they left or were expelled from before 1948. The Israeli Peace Now movement uncovered this story and is leading the effort to pressure the Israeli government to cancel these plans.  



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APN Briefing Call with Peace Now Settlement Watch Director Hagit Ofran (August 25, 2016)
Peace Now’s August 23, 2016 report: Establishing a New Settlement in Hebron - More Information Revealed
Peace Now’s August 22, 2016 report: Settlers' Residence Being Prepared in a Hebron Military Compound
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Haaretz 8/24: U.S. 'Deeply Concerned' About Plans to Advance Construction for Jewish Settlers in Hebron
State Department Press briefing 8/23: “…if these reports are true, it would appear to be an effort to expand civilian Israeli settlement in the city of Hebron, and that would represent a deeply concerning step of settlement expansions…



Arutz Sheva (settler media outlet) 8/24: Peace Now 'slanders' activists over Hevron construction
Maan News 8/23: Peace Now: New settlement will add 100 more Israeli settlers in Hebron
Haaretz 8/22: For First Time in Decade, Israel Plans to Expand Jewish Settlement in Hebron
Times of Israel 8/22: Israel said planning to build several Jewish homes in Hebron
Associated Press 8/22: Israel Takes Steps Toward New Settlement in Volatile City

Planned new settlement of Givat Eitam, aka E-2

FOTG_E2The Netanyahu government is actively promoting an extraordinarily dangerous and destructive new settlement plan which activists have dubbed “E-2” – a name that reflects the fact that the plan is as dangerous and destructive to the two-state solution as the infamous E-1 project (against which the international community has formed a united front). The E-2 project, which the settlers call Givat Eitam, involves thousands of new units to be built south of Bethlehem, near the settlement of Efrat. Documents recently released by the government in connection with a lawsuit brought by Peace Now show that the Netanyahu government is actively moving ahead with this plan at this time, including working to seize new land on which it can build necessary infrastructure to implement the project (a new major road).



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APN Briefing Call with Peace Now Settlement Watch Director Hagit Ofran(August 25, 2016)
Peace Now report 1/13/16: High Court Rejects Nahla Landowners' Petition Removes Legal Obstacle to Establish a Settlement in E2
Peace Now report January 2015: The new settlement in a-Nahla – a significant threat to the two-state solution
September 2014 report by Peace Now, Kerem Navot, and Combatants for Peace: The New Settlement in E2 (Nahla) - A Significant Threat to the Two States Solution
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News Nosh 09.02.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 02, 2016 
Quote of the day:
"I expect two things from you. First, listen to your parents and your teachers, and second, learn to write and read. Learn Hebrew and Arabic and English. I want you to learn the history of the Jewish people and the Arab people, and I want you to learn the truth - that we were meant to live together."
--Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told Arab first graders on the first day of school yesterday.
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Israel’s Peace Now movement today issued the following press release, after scoring a major victory in its fight against Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank.

High Court Orders Evacuation of 17 Structures in The Illegal Outpost of Derech Ha'Avot

Earlier today the High Court of Justice ruled on a petition submitted by Peace Now and by Palestinian landowners on the illegal outpost of Derech Ha'Avot. In its verdict, the High Court demanded that the State will evacuate 17 structures in the illegal outpost, located near Bethlehem. The court strongly criticized the State, which tried to retract its previous commitments, and over and over again postponed the enforcement of the law with regards to illegal construction in the outpost while raising a variety of contradicting excuses. The High Court ordered that the evacuation of the structures and fulfilment of the demolition order will be executed within 18 months (by March 2018), and ordered the State to pay high legal expenses.

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News Nosh 09.01.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday September 01, 2016 
Quote of the day:
 "We are the world champions of occupation, and we have made it into an art form. I was GOC Central Command -- the general of the occupation. And I ask, is this what we want to be?"
--Former GOC Central Command Maj. Gen. (res.) Gadi Shamni also charged that the "IDF's task of controlling a population of 2.5 million civilians distracts the military from its primary function."*

You Must Be Kidding: 
"I don't think that we need to apologize to anyone. And I expect that they'll soon approve additional construction plans in Judea and Samaria."
--Mayor of Beit Aryeh, Avi Naim, commenting on the government giving retroactive approval yesterday to a full neighborhood that was built illegally in his West Bank settlement.**
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APN Weekly Update - NYT quotes Peace Now in must read article, Friedman on Bibi's incitement, New APN Ad, and more

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: August 31, 2016

"Build and we will sort it out retroactively."

Hagit Ofran, Peace Now Settlement Watch Director, in the New York Times' Israel Quietly Legalizes Pirate Outposts in the West Bank, depicting the message that the Israeli government has been sending to settlers regarding illegal outposts.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent Israeli security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

August 29, 2016 - Netanyahu's delusional campaigns: selling Orthodox Zionism to US Jews; expanding international ties while stripping MFA; offering carrots and sticks to Palestinians while peace process dies

Q. The Israel Ministry of Diaspora Affairs has unveiled its new program for outreach among Jewish university students, involving cooperation with Hillel, Chabad and Olami Worldwide. What does the choice of Diaspora partners tell us?

A. ...two of the three global partners are somewhere between orthodox and ultra-orthodox in their Jewish orientation...

Q. The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs leaked to the press last week that Director General Dore Gold had paid a brief secret visit to a Muslim country in Africa with which Israel has no diplomatic relations. How significant is this?

A. ...Gold's dramatic and secret visits to African countries present a hollow spectacle...

Q. Last week you mentioned Defense Minister Lieberman's new "carrot and stick" policy toward the Palestinians. Surely there are some redeeming qualities in at least this project.

A. I can’t find many...

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Settlement Watch

Plans Promoted for 463 Housing Units in the Settlements

Peace Now: The Netanyahu government continues to plan and build all over the West Bank, while also giving settlers the message that any construction done without planning will be retroactively legalized...This policy contradicts the very essential interests of the state of Israel.

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Jerusalem Post: "NGO says the government advanced plans for 1,531 new settler homes in the last year"

Peace Now: Prime Minister Netanyahu has abetted illegal settler building by allowing Israeli officials to work on retroactively legalizing 756 such homes in the West Bank this year...

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New York Times: "Israel Quietly Legalizes Pirate Outposts in the West Bank"

Unauthorized settlements dot hilltops in the West Bank, and anti-settlement groups and Palestinians say retroactively legalizing them is a methodical effort to change the region's map.

Article includes time-lapsed displays of settlement expansion using Peace Now's aerial photos.

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APN's new ad features Ezer Weizman, former Israeli President and Minister of Defense

Ezer Weizman: "It must be recalled that, when one talks about the final status of the Palestinian issue, one is also talking about the permanent status of the state of Israel."

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Recommended Reading

The Times of Israel: "Netanyahu's Mixed Messages on Temple Mount Incitement" by APN's Lara Friedman

...Netanyahu has regularly argued that Palestinian Authority incitement over the Temple Mount is a chief cause of violence...

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Action Alert

Your help still needed for the campaign to save the Palestinian village of Sussya

The Israeli government is poised to make a final decision on whether to raze almost half of this Palestinian village located on land in the West Bank long coveted by settlers. Add you voice to the efforts by human rights activists:

Send a message to Secretary of State John Kerry.

Send a message to Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer.

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Briefing Call

Listen to APN's Briefing Call on recent developments in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

Two of the world's leading experts, Hagit Ofran, director of Peace Now's Settlement Watch project, and Daniel Seidemann, founder and director of Terrestrial Jerusalem, discussed the accelerated Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and its direct threat to the viability of a two-state solution.



News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:

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The New York Times: Israel Quietly Legalizes Pirate Outposts in the West Bank

Unauthorized settlements dot hilltops in the West Bank, and anti-settlement groups and Palestinians say retroactively legalizing them is a methodical effort to change the region’s map.


MITZPE DANNY, West Bank — One night in the fall of 1998, a self-professed “outpost entrepreneur” brought three trailers to a rugged hilltop in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and established his first pirate settlement.

Dozens of youthful supporters came to cheer on the entrepreneur, Shimon Riklin, whose wife, newborn and toddler joined him a few days later. A second family also moved in. To their initial surprise, nobody from the military or government came to remove them. “After six months,” Mr. Riklin said in a recent interview, “I understood it was a done deal.”

They named their outpost Mitzpe Danny, after a British immigrant stabbed to death by a Palestinian at the settlement across the highway, and went on over the next few months to help establish Mitzpe Hagit and then Neve Erez a short drive away. “I jumped from hill to hill,” Mr. Riklin said.

Today, more than 40 Orthodox Jewish families live in Mitzpe Danny, one of a string of outposts on a strategic ridge with breathtaking views southwest to Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives and east all the way to Jordan. They are part of an expansive network of about 100 outposts established mostly over the past two decades without government authorization.

At least one-third of these have either been retroactively legalized or — like Mitzpe Danny — are on their way, in what anti-settlement groups that track the process see as a quiet but methodical effort by the government to change the map of the West Bank, now in its 50th year under Israeli occupation, by entrenching the outposts that spread like fingers across it.

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Peace Now Settlement Watch: Promotion of Plans for 546 Housing Units in The Settlements

News from the Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:

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News Nosh 08.31.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday August 31, 2016 
Quote of the day:
"Another gatekeeper has broken the silence."
--Zionist Union MK Nachman Shai reacted to the lecture by former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, who said that the dangers posed from within are more serious than external threats, such as Iran and Hezbollah.**
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