Press Release: APN to Hillel President: Reconsider Boycotting J Street Conference

Americans for Peace Now today called on Eric Fingerhut, the President of Hillel International, to reconsider his decision to boycott J Street’s annual conference. Fingerhut says he decided to cancel his planned appearance at the conference because one of the people invited to speak there is Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat.

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APN strongly condemns today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem.

Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem.

A young Palestinian intentionally rammed a private car at police officers and civilians, leaving six female police officers and a male civilian injured. The attacker was shot, injured, and arrested.

APN condemns the attack. We wish full recovery to those who were injured.

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Press Release: Following Netanyahu Speech, Give Diplomacy a Chance!

Following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional speech today, Americans for Peace Now urges Congress to resist Netanyahu’s unattainable conditions for an Iran deal, and act responsibly by giving the Obama administration's diplomacy a chance to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

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APN to Senate: Reject Unnecessary, Dangerous New Iran Bills

Americans for Peace Now today called on U.S. Senators to refuse to support or cosponsor the two pieces of Iran legislation – S. 269 and S. 615 – that AIPAC activists will be asking them to support when they come to the Hill for their lobby day tomorrow.  Both bills are entirely unnecessary, and both risk undermining the ongoing diplomacy with the P5+1 – leaving the U.S. isolated and bringing Washington closer to the point where it will be forced to choose between a nuclear-armed Iran and another Middle East war.

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Americans for Peace Now is outraged by the full-page ad, published in Saturday's New York Times, which accuses National security Advisor Susan Rice of being "blind" to the Jewish people's genocide. 

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Press Release: APN to Netanyahu: Use Congressional Speech to Repair Damage!

Hours before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress on Iran tomorrow, Americans for Peace Now is calling today on Netanyahu to refrain from using his speech to undermine diplomacy with Iran, further deepening the partisan rift on Capitol Hill, and causing further divisions among American Jews.

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Peace Now Releases Settlement Construction Report

Peace Now's annual construction report reveals substantial increase in construction starts, planning and tenders – specifically in isolated settlements and in the most disputed areas in terms of the chance for two states. To download the full report click here.
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Americans for Peace Now (APN) calls on Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner (R-Ohio) to re-issue his invitation for the prime minister of Israel to address Congress for a later date, after the deadline for negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, and following the elections in Israel, after a new government coalition is formed.

APN’s President and CEO Debra DeLee said: “Both the timing of the invitation and its manner are outrageous. They are inappropriate and irresponsible. Not only were the invitations issued in a way that violates protocol, their timing suggests congressional meddling in a foreign county’s election campaign – two weeks only before Israel’s general elections, in which Benjamin Netanyahu is a candidate. Furthermore, the timing strongly suggests an attempt to use a foreign leader to influence the debate between Congress and the White House over America’s Iran policy. To top it all, this move uses Israel, yet again, as a wedge issue in internal American politics. Speaker Boehner’s invitation – both its timing and manner – is therefore a disservice to US national security interests and to Israel’s.  

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APN Strongly Condemns Tel Aviv Stabbing Attack

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is horrified and outraged by today's stabbing attack in Tel Aviv, which left 13 innocent civilians injured, some of them severely.

APN strongly condemns this terrorist attack by a young Palestinian from the West Bank, and stands with the people of Israel as they confront violence and terror. 

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Press Release: APN to Obama: Don't Block UNSC Resolution on Israeli-Palestinian Peace

APN today called on the Obama Administration not to block the Jordanian-backed resolution in the United Nations Security Council regarding Israeli-Palestinian peace.  APN president and CEO Debra DeLee commented:

"We urge the Obama Administration, as a true friend of Israel, not to block the Jordanian-introduced resolution in the United Nations Security Council setting out parameters and a timeline for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.  Notwithstanding the misleading reports and cynical criticisms of this UN effort, the bottom line is this:  the substance of this resolution is firmly in line with longstanding U.S. policy regarding a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and passage of this resolution is consistent with the national interests of both the U.S. and Israel.  For these reasons, the Obama Administration, if it is not prepared to support the resolution, should not intervene to block its passage.

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