May 12, 2021

APN supported a letter sent by 25 members of the House of Representatives to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging him to take urgent action to prevent the displacement of Palestinians from their homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah.


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APN Statement on Jerusalem and Gaza Escalation

As violence in Jerusalem triggers hostilities across Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, Americans for Peace Now (APN) urges all the parties and stakeholders to take action to prevent further bloodshed and to stop the escalation toward war.

The steep escalation of the past weeks requires responsible leadership in the short term, and underscores the need for renewed US-led Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic engagement to end the occupation and advance peace efforts. Recent developments again demonstrate that the current situation is not viable and requires immediate attention.
The Biden Administration may not have wanted to prioritize Israel/Palestine. They may have hoped to maintain the status quo. But the status quo is no more, and looking away does not make this crisis go away.

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Please listen to the recording of this webinar.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 2:00 pm (ET)

Jerusalem Crisis: What's Happening, What's Being Done, What's Needed

with Huda Abuarquob, Hagit Ofran, and Daniel Seidemann

Recent days have seen an escalation in violence in Jerusalem — even beyond what normally takes place around Jerusalem Day. With the violent events at Al Aqsa Mosque, police crackdowns on Palestinian protesters, the threat of home evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, and today’s incendiary Flag March, the city is in a state of crisis. This is a highly volatile and dynamic situation—and we don’t know where it will lead. 

This conversation featured leading Palestinian and Israeli experts from Jerusalem to update about what is happening on the ground, what Israelis and Palestinians are doing, and what we can do from afar.  


Cosponsored by: Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), the Israel Policy Forum (IPF), the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ), the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), the New York Jewish Agenda (NYJA), and the Progressive Israel Network (PIN), a coalition which includes Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now (APN), Habonim Dror North America, Hashomer Hatzair, Jewish Labor Council, JStreet, New Israel Fund (NIF), Partners for Progressive Israel (PPI), Reconstructing Judaism and T’ruah.


Huda Abuarquob is Alliance for Middle East Peace's (ALLMEP) on-the-ground regional director in 2014. She has years of experience in conflict resolution, NGO leadership, and social change education and activism, as well as a life-long commitment to building strong people-to-people Israeli-Palestinian relations. She is a well-known speaker on issues related to Middle East politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Huda is the oldest of twelve children, the daughter of respected Palestinian educators, and an aunt to twenty-two nieces and nephews. Born in Jerusalem, she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East, lived for six years in the U.S., and now resides in Hebron.

Daniel Seidemann is an Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations, with an emphasis on Jerusalem. He is the founder and director of Terrestrial Jerusalem, an NGO that works towards a resolution to the question of Jerusalem that is consistent with the two-state solution.

Hagit Ofran is the Co-Director of Peace Now's Settlement Watch project and has two decades of expertise on issues related to the settlements in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem. She is widely recognized as Israel's foremost expert on Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

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Update: this action, now closed, ran from May 7-10, 2021. 

Monday is Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day. This city, sacred to billions of people across the globe, is not only the spiritual center of multiple religions. It is also the home of real people.  Families, men, women and children. Jewish and Muslim. Israeli and Palestinian. And this city is in crisis.

In Sheikh Jarrah, in Silwan, Palestinian families are being forcibly evicted from their homes, only to be replaced by Israeli settlers. This crisis has been building for a long time. Our colleagues at Shalom Achshav have been on the ground fighting against this, and we here in the US have been pushing for our government to speak up and take action. 

Today members of Congress, led by Representatives Marie Newman and Mark Pocan, are urging Secretary of State Tony Blinken and the Biden Administration to do just that. 

See the full text of the letter here.

Members of Congress need to speak up and to push the Administration to act before it is too late. And they need to hear from you. 

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APN Deeply Saddened by Mount Meron Disaster

We at Americans for Peace Now are following with horror the reports from Israel, as the casualty tally of the disaster on Mount Meron keeps rising.

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Please listen to this webinar.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 2:00 pm (ET)

A Briefing on New Human Rights Watch Report on Israeli Violations of Palestinian Rights

with Omar Shakir and Eric Goldstein

A new report by Human Rights Watch on Israeli violations of Palestinian rights is ruffling feathers in Israel and beyond. The comprehensive report, “A Threshold Crossed,” is based on years of documenting violations of Palestinian human rights, to state, controversially, that “Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians” in order to maintain “Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land.” The report contends that these violations “are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

To better understand how the world’s leading human rights organization has reached such harsh conclusions, APN hosted a webinar with Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine Director, Omar Shakir, and Eric Goldstein, Director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa division.


Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch, investigates human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Prior to his current role, he was a Bertha Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where he focused on US counterterrorism policies, including legal representation of Guantanamo detainees. As the 2013-14 Arthur R. and Barbara D. Finberg Fellow at Human Rights Watch, he investigated human rights violations in Egypt, including the Rab’a massacre, one of the largest killings of protesters in a single day. A former Fulbright Scholar in Syria, Omar holds a JD from Stanford Law School, where he co-authored a report on the civilian consequences of US drone strikes in Pakistan as a part of the International Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic, an MA in Arab Studies from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Affairs, and a BA in International Relations from Stanford. He speaks English and Arabic.

Eric Goldstein, acting Executive Director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa division, is an expert on Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Western Sahara. He has conducted research missions to these and other regions of the Middle East since the 1980s, writing numerous reports for Human Rights Watch and publishing articles in news media and academic journals. He has taught courses on human rights at Princeton and Georgetown universities. Before joining Human Rights Watch, Goldstein worked at the Committee to Protect Journalists. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University.

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HRW Israel Report -- A Call for Action to End the Occupation


Washington, DC – The world's leading human rights organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), today issued an important report, which highlights the systemic oppression, discrimination and blanket violations of Palestinian human rights under Israel's almost 54-year-old occupation. The report lumps these violations together with the discrimination that Palestinian citizens of Israel suffer and defines them all as "Apartheid."

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes a new congressional letter urging the Biden administration to use all the tools at its disposal, including the recently released Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism and the Nexis Document, in its efforts to combat antisemitism.

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PAST ACTION: Urge Your Representatives to Sign Antisemitism Letter to Secretary Blinken

Update: this action, now closed, ran from April 22-27, 2021.

At Americans for Peace Now, we strive to be clear about what we believe. We believe that antisemitism—like racism, islamophobia and other forms of hatred—is a serious and growing problem here in the US and around the world.

We have opposed the codification of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, based on the fact that it uses overly broad brush strokes, and in doing so is often used to quash legitimate criticism of unacceptable Israeli government policies. In the past few weeks, two new efforts have been put forth to address the issues of antisemitism.

We are pleased to be working with Representatives Jan Schakowsky, Mark Pocan, Pramila Jayapal, Andy Levin and Jamie Raskin to bring these to the attention of Secretary of State Blinken, and the entire Biden Administration, and to urge them to consider these definitions in their efforts to combat antisemitism. 

See the full text of the letter to Secretary Blinken here.

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APN Webinar (Thursday, April 29, 2021) - Evangelical Support of Israel's Settlement Enterprise

Please join us for this timely webinar.

Thursday, April 29, 2021, 3:00 pm (ET)

Evangelical Support of Israel's Settlement Enterprise

with Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon

What are the theological concerns at the core of evangelical support of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? What material support for settlements in the occupied territories have American Christians provided? And what do U.S. churches who support Israel think about settlements?

These are some of the questions to be addressed in our April 29th, 3:00 pm (ET) webinar with Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP). CMEP is a coalition of 30 national Church communions and organizations that works to encourage pro-peace U.S. policies, and which opposes the occupation and the settlements.


Ordained in an evangelical denomination, Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon has first-hand experience in evangelical engagement with Israel. Dr. Cannon’s doctorate, Mischief Making in Palestine, focused on the historic engagement of American Christians in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. She is the editor of A Land Full of God, a book that discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a Christian perspective, which is pro-Israeli, pro-Palestinian and pro-peace.

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