News Nosh 12.18.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday December 18, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The moment you release your pain and you're not constantly absorbed in it, you can also understand the pains of others, and that's what I do."
--Arab Israeli actor Elias Mattar on his role portraying a Holocaust survivor.**

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News Nosh 12.17.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Tuesday December 17, 2013


Quote of the day:

"What does the snow harmony in the West Bank indicate about the chances of peace? Nothing. When the snow melts, the party will be over."
--Senior Yedioth political commentator reviews the cooperation between Israeli settlers and soldiers and Palestinians in the West Bank during the snow storm of the century.**

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News Nosh 12.16.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday December 16, 2013


Quote of the day:

"We can't stop, we won't stop, can't you see it's we who own the land, can't you see it's we who take a stand. And we can't stop and we won't stop. We build things, things don't build we. Don't steal nothing from nobody."
--American-Israeli settler makes pro-settler parody video of Miley Cyrus' 'We Don't Stop'.**

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Peace Now convenes third annual conference of Israel's peace camp


Israel's Peace Now movement convened on Friday the third annual conference of Israel's peace camp. More than 700 people braved the weather - the worst winter storm in more than a century - to participate, and more than 100 spoke.

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This week, Alpher discusses conflicting American statements regarding the objective of the current Israeli-Palestinian talks, how the relatively optimistic American approach jibes with repeated negative assessments by involved Israelis and Palestinians, whether last weekend's mega-storm that passed over the Middle East had any effect on Israeli-Palestinian cooperation, and what's behind the effort of the Israeli far right in once again trying to pass legislation that would restrict activities of foreign-funded NGOs.

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News Nosh 12.15.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Friday and Sunday December 13 and 15, 2013

Note: News Nosh has been snowed in! Electricity and Internet have been sporadic and newspapers were not delivered since Thursday. As a result, Sunday's News Nosh was prepared by accessing the Hebrew newspapers via the Internet, with the exception of Yedioth, which is not online. It includes main news stories from Friday, but it could not be sent until now after the Internet went down again and stayed down past midnight. Wishing all the people in the Middle East stay warm and safe. - OH

Quote of the day:

"There is a partner on the Palestinian side. The question is whether Netanyahu is a partner to reach an agreement with the Palestinians."
--Meretz party Chairwoman Zahava Gal-On Friday at the annual conference of Israel's left-wing.**

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Your Activism Worked


Over the past weeks and months, APN challenged you, over and over, to take action on the issue of Iran. In each case, APN activists took up the challenge, generating thousands of calls and emails to members of the House and Senate. These interventions came at exactly the right time and conveyed the same underlying message: Americans who care about Israel want Congress to give diplomacy with Iran a chance.

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Ameicans for Peace Now (APN) today issued the following statement: "As Congress goes into its winter recess, we commend those members of Congress who stood firm and rejected efforts, both in the House and Senate, to pursue legislative initiatives that would undermine the interim agreement with Iran and threaten the chances of reaching a permanent agreement with Iran - an agreement that offers the best chance to resolve U.S. and international concerns about Iran's nuclear program and nuclear ambitions.

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Yossi Alpher: How Middle East regional dynamics affect the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

Israeli-Palestinian relations - whether they take the form of intifada, peace process or merely the "status quo" - have never developed in a vacuum. Not only have interested third parties such as the U.S., European Union and Norway been involved, but so have immediate neighbours like Egypt and Jordan. The Arab League has also been involved, usually with Saudi urging, in initiatives like the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 and the earlier 1982 Fahd plan.

More at the at the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center

Bloomberg - Jeffrey Goldberg: John Kerry Is Israel's Best Friend


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gave a passionately pro-Israel speech this past weekend at the Saban Forum in Washington. On matters concerning Israel's security, its international legitimacy and its demographic future, he showed himself to be a true friend. There are people in Israel -- there were people at the Willard Hotel, where Kerry gave the speech, in fact -- who did not consider this speech pro-Israel, but they are deluding themselves.


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