Gaza Escalation

Palestinians announced their intention to hold peaceful demonstrations from Land Day (March 30) through Nakba Day (May 15), with Gaza as the focal point. APN and Shalom Achshav respect the right of Palestinians to protest nonviolently, and call on Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint and act responsibly to avoid further bloodshed. We call on Prime Minister Netanyahu to pursue a political solution.

Action Alert: Tell Your Senators to Support Humanitarian Relief for Gaza

APN and Shalom Achshav Publications

7.30.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers (July 30, 2018) – Syria/Iran and Gaza: two fronts and two policy proposals
7.16.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers (July 16, 2018) – Gaza
5.1.2018 Hard Questions, Tough Answers - Africans and Gazans: refugees, job seekers, "terrorists"?
4.10.2018 Briefing Call with Israeli political columnist Akiva Eldar. Eldar discusses the current Israel-Gaza crisis, Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing and legal challenges, Israel-US relations, and more.
3.30.2018 Press Release: APN Alarmed at Gaza Death Toll; Calls for Responsible Action to Prevent Further Deterioration
3.31.2018 Shalom Achshav: Netanyahu – Stop the Escalation Now!
4.2.2018 Video from Shalom Achshav protest at Likud HQ in Tel Aviv

3.19.2018 APN’s Debra Shushan in Haaretz: Trump’s Inept and Cruel Gaza Policies
PeaceCast episode #44: Brian Barber Seeks Words for Gaza
PeaceCast episode #43: Omar Shaban sees hope in Gaza
PeaceCast episode #23: Gaza Misery with Abby Smardon of UNRWA
PeaceCast episode #14: Gaza Unplugged
PeaceCast episode #13: Gaza Crisis and Qatar’s Role

They Say, We Say: What About Hamas and Gaza?

Recommended Reading

8.8.2018 Haaretz: Israel, Hamas to Agree on Cease-fire by End of August, Report Says
8.8.2018 YNet: Erdan: There may be secret channels to talks with Hamas
4.9.2018 Amos Yadlin for the Institute for National Security Studies: A Sense of Victory on Both Sides: A Recipe for Escalation in Gaza?
4.2.2018 The New York Times (editorial): Israel Courts Catastrophe in Gaza Protests
4.2.2018 International Crisis Group backgrounder: Gaza Protests Mark Shift in Palestinian National Consciousness
11.11.2017 B'tselem backgrounder on Gaza

Peace Now's Galia Golan in Los Angeles (Tues, April 10th)

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News Nosh 4.4.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
You Must Be Kidding: 

"The main source that applied European pressure on the Rwandan government to pull out of the agreement to remove the infiltrators from Israel is the New Israel Fund... [a] foreign organization that receives funding from foreign governments... [with the ultimate goal of] erasing the Jewish character of Israel."

-- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Listen: Briefing call with Israeli columnist Akiva Eldar (4.10.18)

APN hosted a briefing call Tuesday, April 10th, at 1:00 pm EST with veteran Israeli political columnist Akiva Eldar.

Eldar discussed the current Israel-Gaza crisis, Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing and legal challenges, Israel-US relations, and other political topics.

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APN to Fellow US Jewish Groups: Condemn Netanyahu's Attack on the New Israel Fund

Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly rejects Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's absurd accusations against the New Israel Fund and calls on fellow American Jewish organizations to stand behind the New Israel Fund and Israel's civil society.

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News Nosh 4.3.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Quote of the day:
"I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation. I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land. But we have to have a peace agreement to assure the stability for everyone and to have normal relations."
-- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (read more here)

Number of the Day:
17 - The percentage that settlement growth has surged from the annual average since Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took office in 2009, according to a Peace Now report.**
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News Nosh 4.2.18

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday, April 2, 2018
Quote of the day:
“[The IDF] will continue to act against the demonstrators in Gaza as we acted last Friday,” an army source said.
 -- Meaning the IDF will not shift to greater use of other crowd dispersal means (Haaretz)
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APN Alarmed at Gaza Death Toll; Calls for Responsible Action to Prevent Further Deterioration 

Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed and saddened by the loss of life of unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip, and warns against further deterioration of hostilities on the Israel-Gaza border. APN calls on both sides, Israelis and Palestinians, to exercise restraint and act responsibly to avoid further bloodshed.

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APN in the News: February 24 - March 30, 2018

APN Director of Policy and Government Relations Debra Shushan in Haaretz: March 19, 2018
"Trump's Policies Towards the Palestinians Are Based on Bad Faith, Ineptitude and Cruelty"

Two conferences held last week underlined the Trump Administration’s combination of bad faith and ineptitude in addressing Gaza’s severe humanitarian crisis. The first one, convened by the White House, was dubbed a "brainstorming session" on Gaza by Trump’s special representative for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt. At the outset, Greenblatt enjoined participants to "leave all politics at the door" in order to help Gaza. Read More >

Times of Israel: March 29, 2018
"Liberal Jewish groups slam Bolton for ‘bellicose ideology, anti-Muslim bigotry'," APN among liberal Jewish groups slamming Bolton for 'bellicose ideology, anti-Muslim bigotry.'

The Forward: March 15, 2018
"Presidents Conference ‘Transparency’ Questioned After Malcolm Hoenlein Revelations," APN among other member organizations of the Conference of Presidents that are concerned about Hoenlein's role on corporate boards.

The Arab Weekly: March 11, 2018
"US policy on the Middle East just got foggier," APN's Ori Nir comments on the Trump administration's lackluster performance in advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Haaretz: March 5, 2018
"As Trump and Netanyahu Meet, Our Plea as Interfaith Leaders: Stop Boosting the Proponents of a Religious War," APN's Debra Shushan co-authors interfaith op-ed: Stop Boosting the Proponents of a Religious War.

Al-Bawaba: February 28, 2018
"Who are the Zionists Against Israeli Settlements and the Occupation of the West Bank?," APN's Ori Nir quoted in story on "liberal Zionism."

Al-Bawaba: February 25, 2018
"What is the Pro-Israel Lobby and How is it Shaping US Foreign Policy on Iran?," APN's Debra Shushan quoted in story on American Jews' position re Iran.

Peace Now in the News: March 24 - 30, 2018

Times of Israel: March 26, 2018
"Claiming Defense Ministry approval, settlers enter 2 disputed Hebron buildings," Peace Now condemns settlers' taking over disputed homes in Hebron.

Ynet News: March 26, 2018
"Settlements grew under Trump presidency," Peace Now report: Settlements grew under Trump presidency.

JTA: March 26, 2018
"West Bank construction starts rose about 17 percent for 2017, Peace Now reports," Peace Now: West Bank construction starts rose about 17 percent for 2017.

i24 News: March 26, 2018
"Most new settler homes being built in 'isolated' West Bank settlements," Peace Now report: Most new settler homes being built in 'isolated' West Bank settlements.

Jerusalem Post: March 26, 2018
"Illegal settler outpost building resumed with 16 new sites," Peace Now report: Illegal settler outpost building resumed with 16 new sites.

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