APN Condemns Killing of Hallel Ariel

A 13-year-old Israeli girl, Hallel Ariel, was stabbed to death in her sleep at her family’s home in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron. The attacker, 17-year-old Muhammad Tarayre of the neighboring village of Bani Naim jumped the fence into Kiryat Arba, fatally stabbed the girl, stabbed a security guard, and was then shot dead.

Americans for Peace Now (APN), the sister-organization of the Israeli peace movement Peace Now, strongly condemns this terrorist attack. Attacks such as this are completely unjustifiable, and are antithetical to the pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Do This, Not That

History is full of consequences for those who lose their self-control. Many have paid dearly for the
ignorant things they have said and done.

Moses was told to speak to a large rock, from which God would allow water to flow to quench the people’s thirst. Moses didn’t do that. He struck the rock not once but twice. The consequences were severe: Moses, the ultimate Zionist, was not allowed to enter the land of Israel.

He shouldn’t have done that.

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Do This, Not That

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News Nosh 06.30.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday June 30, 2016
You Must Be Kidding:
Instead of the Israeli settler, Dani Dayan, whom Brazil rejected as ambassador, Israel is appointing a man with no diplomatic experience or state advocacy credentials, who has been found guilty of perjury and fraud and was forbidden from serving the state until June 2015.*

Breaking News:
Palestinian kills girl in Hebron settlement, one other Israeli man wounded in incident
A 19-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Tarayra from Bani Naim village, infiltrated Kiryat Arba settlement in Hebron this morning and stabbed and killed a 13-year-old girl, Hillel Yafa Ariel, in her bedroom. A 31-year-old member of the settlement emergency squad was shot and seriously injured, possibly by another member of the emergency squad, the girl’s father, who shot and killed the attacker. (Maariv, Times of Israel and Maan)
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APN Weekly Update – Security Hawks Turn Doves, Israel-Turkey in the News, and More

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: June 29, 2016

"There is something that happens to those who go to serve as Heads of Mossad and Shin-Bet. Something in this post turns them into leftists."

David Bitan (Likud), Israeli Government Coalition Chairman, while speaking at a cultural event in Beersheba.

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent Israeli security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

June 27, 2016 - All those new schemes for dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Q. Perhaps you'll start with the most prominent plan: the unilateral security plan presented by some 300 retired generals and senior security personnel known as "Commanders for Israeli security."

A. Under the heading "Agreements Out, Arrangements In", the commanders' plan proposes a regional yet unilateral process to consolidate political-security arrangements with the Palestinians and the Arab States...

Q. Does the commanders' plan connect with the two-state security plan developed by a team of Americans, Israelis, Egyptians, Palestinians and Jordanians that was recently unveiled in Washington?

A. A number of the 300-strong commanders are on this team too...

Q. Then there is the very different "Two States, One Homeland plan".

A. This is very much a local Israeli-Palestinian initiative whose boosters include a number of relatively moderate settlers...

Q. How about recent references by prominent Jordanians to the idea of a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation as a way of alleviating Israeli concerns regarding the emergence of a Palestinian state?

A. This is in some ways a Jordanian version of the "Arab solution" that PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Lieberman, as well as other prominent Israeli right-wingers and a few left-wingers, like to talk about...

Q. To sum up. . .

A. Under present circumstances, wherein both Israel and the Palestinians suffer from an acute leadership deficit, all these ideas are non-starters. Their very provenance attests to growing alarm and despair in many circles over the future of the two-state model. Still, it’s good to have them on the agenda.

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Recommended Reading

Al-Monitor: "Why so many of Israel's security hawks have become doves"

When the chairman of the Likud argued June 25 that serving in the Mossad and the Shin Bet turns their chiefs into leftists, it kicked off a political storm.

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Ha'aretz: "The Multimillion Dollar Panama Channel to West Bank Settlements"

The Amana movement that carries out settlement construction in the West Bank has been receiving tens of millions from a mystery company in the Central American tax haven...

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In The News

Stay informed on the Israel-Turkey agreement and all the Israel news

APN's News Nosh has been providing readers with Israel's news coverage of the significant Israel-Turkey reconciliation agreement signed on Monday.

Go HERE for the current and and recent editions of News Nosh, and to subscribe and receive the free daily email.

APN Events

Yossi Alpher, Israeli Security Expert, speaks at APN sponsored events in several US locales

APN Berkshires Luncheon with Yossi Alpher, seen above with APN Board Member Letty Cottin Pogrebin (top right), and APN President and CEO Debra DeLee (bottom right)

Alpher, who pens the weekly Hard Questions, Tough Answers for APN, just completed a US tour with stops in New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and the Berkshire Mountains of Western MA.

Go HERE to see more pictures from the Alpher tour.

APN now on Instagram!

Adding to its already prominent place in social media, APN in now on Instagram.

Go HERE to see the first graphics and to follow APN's new Instagram.

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Media Activism Amid Civil War: The Role of Syrian Women Journalists – a panel discussion

caption-RebeccaIntern-event_post2016-311x200On Wednesday, June 29th, APN intern Rebeca Feldman attended a panel discussion on the role of Syrian women journalist-activists. Following is her report:

The Middle East Institute hosted an event entitled: Media Activism Amid Civil War: The Role of Syrian Women Journalists. The event, moderated by Kate Seelye, Senior Vice President of the Middle East Institute, featured three speakers with vastly different backgrounds and experiences of the Syrian media. However, all three were unanimous in their belief in a free and empowered media for a democratic Syria, which can be achieved by making the media a voice of the people, representing all classes, communities, and genders.

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News Nosh 06.29.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday June 29, 2016
Quote of the day:
"The occupation will end when Channel 2 begins to show it on the main news broadcast."
--Israeli TV show host, Asaf Harel, in a 'brave' interview.*
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News Nosh 06.28.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday June 28, 2016
Quote of the day:
“Leaders need to move beyond repeating the same phrases and expecting a different result. It is maddening and it is not worthy of the future you are seeking to build.”
--UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon tells students at Tel-Aviv University.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Only four out of 20 Israeli ministers are clearly on the record in support of a two-state solution. Nine others are clearly against and the position of the seven others remains unknown.
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Israeli Security Expert, speaks at APN events in several US locales

Yossi-Debra300x320From June 16-26, 2016, Israeli security expert Yossi Alpher, pictured on the right with APN President and CEO Debra DeLee , spoke at APN sponsored events in New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and as the keynote speaker for the APN Luncheon in the Berkshire Mountains in Western MA.  

The tour came shortly after the release of Alpher's new book, "No End of Conflict: Rethinking Israel-Palestine"

(scroll down for more pictures) 

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News Nosh 06.27.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday June 27, 2016

You Must Be Kidding: 
In an exceptional move, the president of Ben-Gurion University canceled the Middle East Department’s decision to grant a Jewish-Arab Understanding award to the Breaking the Silence organization.
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