Update: this action, now closed, ran in December 2018.
Two pieces of controversial legislation may be inserted into a must-pass omnibus spending bill, virtually guaranteeing
that they would become law without debate. Please contact your members of
Congress to let them know that you oppose the Israel Anti-Boycott Act and the Anti-Semitism
Awareness Act.
The Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S.720 and H.R.1697), under the guise of preventing companies from joining boycotts
of Israel promoted by international non-governmental organizations,
intentionally blurs the distinction between Israel and the occupation. Under this bill, measures targeting West
Bank settlements and the occupation would be regarded as targeting Israel. APN
opposes the occupation and supports boycotting West Bank settlements. While opposing boycotts, divestment, and
sanctions against Israel (BDS), APN believes that boycotts are a legitimate nonviolent expression of protest, which
should not be criminalized.
The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act (S.2940 and H.R.5924) would require the Department
of Education to utilize a definition of anti-Semitism employed by the Department of State in assessing whether a school
has violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by tolerating anti-Semitic harassment. That definition labels as
anti-Semitism certain types of criticism of Israel and the occupation. The definition’s author opposes the ASAA,
arguing that his definition was never intended for use on campuses as a means of censoring constitutionally protected
free speech. Should it pass, the ASAA likely will have a chilling effect on speech related to Israel on college