From Barbara Green, long-time APN supporter and activist:
Every morning, like many of you, I open my e-mail and groan: so much spam, so many
unwanted messages and advertisements. It makes you want to kick the computer. But there's one item I
never skip. In fact, I welcome it every day in my Inbox -- and that's APN's News Nosh. It's the very best available source of information
about Israel/Palestine.
Orly Halpern, a brilliant journalist in Jerusalem, excerpts the
news from an array of Israeli newspapers from left to right and gives it to us in a concise readable
format. I don't read every article, but those of special interest to me are right there in my inbox every
Orly is on the scene, so by the time I get to my computer in the morning she has already posted News Nosh and I
start the day with information that hasn't even made it to the daily newspapers here in the States.