peace parsha feature 1 logoOn Wednesday (Sept. 23) as Jews end their Yom Kippur fast, Muslims will begin the Eid al-Adha holiday. Imam Haytham Younis and Rabbi Alana Suskin met for coffee and then exchanged the following email dialogue about the two holidays’ convergence and the meaning of a shared story that lies at the intersection of both faiths.

Suskin: It is a rare occurrence for Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Eid al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice) to fall back-to-back, but seems appropriate somehow. Just a week ago, on Rosh Hashanah, we read the Torah portion relating the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of his son — the Jewish perspective of the same story that underlies Eid al-Adha. For Jews, this is the story of the sacrifice of Isaac at God’s command (stopped, of course, at the last moment, by an angel sent by God).

Younis: Yes. Eid al-Adha similarly commemorates the obedience of Abraham and his son to the command of God in fulfilling the sacrifice, as well as the observance of the pilgrimage to the House of God (the Kaaba) in Mecca, which, we believe, was established by Abraham. According to the Quran, the son involved in the sacrifice however, was Ishmael, not Isaac.

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News Nosh 09.22.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday September 22, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.

Quote of the Day:
"Virtuous, humble, devotional: He leads by serving. And leads who? Pope Francis is leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, Christianity's largest denomination. Saudi Arabia claims to be, and is often described as, the principal Sunni Muslim power, leading the world's more than 1 billion Sunnis, though its government isn't even chosen by its own citizens."
-Haroon Moghul is a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. He is an author, essayist and public speaker writing for CNN on September 8 about the Syrian refugee crisis
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Beginning tonight and continuing through Wednesday night, the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will be observed by Jews throughout the world.  Throughout the season leading up to Yom Kippur, Jews engage in the accounting of one's soul -cheshbon hanefesh: we examine our behavior,  taking an honest measure of ourselves and our community in the year that has passed.  This self-reflection reaches its pinnacle on Yom Kippur.

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Iran Nuclear Negotiations


Update: this action, now closed, ran from August-September 2015.

You did it! For weeks you and your fellow activists across the country have been telling your elected officials to support the Iran deal – and last week, enough members of the House and Senate stood together to ensure the Iran deal will be implemented. This is an historic achievement of which you should be enormously proud!

These members of Congress stood up for what is right for America and right for Israel by supporting the Iran agreement. Now they need to hear from you once more, to let them know they did the right thing. Click here to thank them.

At the same time, every Republican in Congress and a small number of Democrats opposed the Iran deal. Click here to let them know you think they did the wrong thing – and to put them on notice that further efforts to kill the Iran deal are unacceptable.

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This week, Alpher discusses how Russia’s military buildup in the Syrian coastal city of Latakia and the consequent American and Israeli concern has this played out since last week; if we are witnessing escalation into a third intifada in Jerusalem and the West Bank; what triggered the escalation; and at the strategic level, what the dangers are for Israel of this “mini-intifada.”


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News Nosh 09.21.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday September 21, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.

Quote of the Day:
"If we build a more just society, if we do everything to get rid of poverty and injustice, that is the test of our Jewishness. That is Judaism."
-Rabbi Michael Melchior, speaking to the Jerusalem Post ahead of Rosh Hashanah
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News Nosh 09.20.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday September 20, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.

Quote of the day:
"Israel's master strategy needs to be moving toward a regional arrangement which will enable full normalization of relations with the Arab states and the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel."
-Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid at his address at Bar Ilan University today
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David Broza-guitar
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News Nosh 09.18.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 18, 2015
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.
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Washington - Following the last failed effort in the Senate today to kill the JCPOA before the end of the 60-day review period (which expires at midnight), APN President and CEO Debra DeLee issued the following statement:

"APN welcomes the success of Obama Administration-led diplomacy in achieving a diplomatic agreement that, when implemented, will dramatically roll back and limit Iran’s nuclear program and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear program in the future. This agreement is tangible evidence that determined diplomacy, backed by resolute leadership and concrete, sustained engagement, has the potential to overcome and resolve even the toughest challenges in the international arena. APN commends the Obama Administration and its international partners on this historic achievement. APN likewise urges opponents of the JCPOA – in Congress, the Israeli government, and U.S. organizations like AIPAC – to stand down from their efforts to undermine and kill the deal. All who are truly concerned about the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran should now focus on ensuring rigorous implementation of the agreement by all sides.

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