Press Release: APN Urges Biden to Block New West Bank Settlement Construction

Americans for Peace Now (APN) urges the Biden administration to block Israel’s planned construction of 4,000 more homes in West Bank settlements.

The plan, publicly announced today by the Civil Administration, Israel’s governing occupation authority in the West Bank, includes 25 settlements, most of them deep inside the West Bank. The Civil Administration’s planning committee is expected to approve the plans this coming Thursday. It will be one of the largest single batches of settlement construction authorization in recent history.

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APN Condemns Murderous Terrorist Attack at the Town of Elad

Americans for Peace Now strongly condemns the horrific terrorist attack in Israel today, at the town of Elad, as Israel's 74th Independence Day comes to an end.

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Washington, DC – Following a court decision that could destroy the homes and lives of thousands of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Americans for Peace Now (APN) is calling on the Biden administration to tell the government of Israel not to evict eight Palestinian villages near the city of Hebron. APN joins its Israeli sister-organization, Peace Now, in calling on the Israeli government to cease and desist eviction plans.

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Statement: APN to Blinken: "Conflict Management" Diplomacy is Insufficient

Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s round of talks today with senior Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders in an effort to contain the current violence and reduce tensions at Jerusalem’s holy sites and beyond.

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APN Statement on Terrorism Surge in Israel

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is horrified and outraged by the series of terrorist attacks in Israel during the past few weeks, including the shooting attack in Tel Aviv today which left two people dead, and at least eight others injured.

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APN Mourns the Passing of Longtime Board Member Sidney Topol

Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now mourns the death of Sidney (Sid) Topol, our beloved longtime Board member, an avid advocate for peace, an inspiring leader of the pro-Israel pro-peace movement in the United States, a progressive philanthropist whose sharp mind and kind heart helped energize our movement for more than four decades.  

APN's Chair of the Board James Klutznick said: "Whether at the gala honoring him, breakfasts at the Ritz-Carlton, or in his kitchen in the Back Bay, where Debra DeLee and I joined him for an APN Board meeting call, Sid was both a hawk for peace and conflict resolution, and a down to earth good guy with a generous heart, a grin on his face, and a twinkle in his eye. He will be missed, but not missing from our hearts and minds."

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Statement: APN Welcomes Lipstadt Approval by Senate Committee


Washington, DC -- Americans for Peace Now welcomes the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's approval of Deborah E. Lipstadt's nomination to be the State Department's Special Envoy to Combat and Monitor Antisemitism.

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the historic Negev summit, which brought together the foreign ministers of the United States, Israel, Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, but we are disappointed and concerned to not see more of an effort by the summit participants to leverage their enhanced collaboration toward advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Iran poses a threat to the region. Regional efforts to confront it, bolstered by the United States, are very important. So is cooperation between Israel and its regional partners on other matters. But Israel's government, the Biden administration, and their regional allies, must prioritize the need for addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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This week, Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), David Price (D-NC), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) led 50 House Democrats in sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging the State Department to call on Israel to immediately freeze all demolitions in the Palestinian village Al-Walaja.

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Press Release: APN Dismayed by Continued Attack on Ben & Jerry's 

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) is dismayed by the continued attacks on Ben & Jerry's and its parent company Unilever. This time through a frivolous lawsuit that erroneously depicts as illegal Ben & Jerry's decision to stop selling its ice cream products in the occupied territories.

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