What are the settlers doing in the East Jerusalem village of Silwan? How do their actions and the policy of the Netanyahu government impact the Palestinians living there? What is the impact of the Trump administration’s collusion with the settlers and with Netanyahu’s government regarding East Jerusalem impact prospect for peace? More broadly, what are current trends in East Jerusalem, and how do they effect a possible two-state solution? On July 11th 2019, APN hosted Hagit Ofran and Daniel Seidemann for a briefing call to explore these questions. 

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The Dove - Young Voices of Israel/Palestine - July 22, 2019 - Washington, DC

The Dove: Young Voices of Israel/Palestine - Monday, July 22, 6:30 pm, Washington DC

Join us, or be a sponsor, for an evening of personal stories that inspire hope for Israeli-Palestinian peace, based on the popular storytelling show “The Moth”. 

This is the fourth event in our "The Dove" series, and will feature a new group of young Israeli and Palestinian storytellers who will be in Washington to participate in the New Story Leadership program, a co-sponsor of this event. GET TICKETS

If you can't make it to the event, help support this unique program with a sponsorship donation of any amount. Amplify the voices of young Israeli and Palestinian leaders, who together are charting a path of peace and reconciliation between their peoples. SPONSOR 

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Deja Vu All Over Again? – Israeli Elections Redux

A month after it was sworn in, Israel’s Knesset voted to dissolve itself and drag the Israeli public into another election cycle.

What will this campaign look like? How much of an appetite does the Israeli public have for another round? Do the new elections provide a second chance for Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to depose him? How realistic is such a scenario? Will the right more effectively coalesce to come out stronger? And how about the left -- will it unite? Will the Arab parties re-unite?

Allison Kaplan Sommer of Israel’s Haaretz daily addressed these and other questions at a briefing call on June 6th . 

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LISTEN - APN Briefing Call on Trump’s March to War Against Iran (Thurs, 5/23, 2pm EST)

Developments are emerging fast and furiously indicating that Trump’s War Cabinet, helmed by John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, is moving the US to the precipice of an unnecessary and devastating war against Iran.

On May 23, APN hosted a briefing call with two experts on US-Iran relations and the embattled Iran nuclear deal: Mary Kaszynski, Deputy Director of Policy at the Ploughshares Fund, and Barbara Slavin, Director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council and renowned diplomatic reporter.

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LISTEN - Post-Israeli Election Briefing Call with Yossi Alpher

On April 10th, APN hosted a briefing call with strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher, who analyzed the results of the Israeli elections and discussed their possible impact and the challenges we now face.

Alpher, an independent security analyst, is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with Israel’s Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. He is the author of Hard Questions Tough Answers, APN’s weekly analysis of Israeli and Middle Eastern strategic affairs.

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LISTEN - APN Briefing Call with Robert Mnookin (3/18/19)

On March 18th, APN hosted Professor Robert Mnookin of Harvard University for a briefing call on his new book, The Jewish American Paradox. The book examines the complex attitudes of American Jews toward Israel, and other challenges facing American Jews today.

Listen to the recording here:


APN is offering Prof. Mnookin’s book, The Jewish American Paradox, to our donors. For a donation of $90 or more, we will send the book to you. (Write "Paradox" in the comments box. All but $15 is tax-deductible.)

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Less than two months before Israel’s general elections, Benjamin Netanyahu – fighting to stay in power and out of court – is trying to use his contacts with regional Arab leaders to portray himself domestically as an irreplaceable statesman.

Netanyahu also embraced the extremist right-wing political party Otzma Yehudit, whose leaders have publically endorsed the racist ideology of Rabbi Meir Kahane. See APN's official statement here and a joint statement with other American Jewish organizations here.  

After returning from an extensive tour to half a dozen Middle Eastern countries, including Israel, Middle East expert Prof. Mark Rosenblum spoke with APN about Israeli politics, regional geopolitics, and the relationship between the two.

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2019 APN Israel Study Tour + Amman and Petra (Nov. 5-13)

Americans for Peace Now

Americans for Peace Now's Israel Study Tour - An Experience Unlike Any Other



Meet with experts, activists, officials, and other notable figures -- from politics, security, journalism, academia, and peace activism -- who will provide a comprehensive  and timely understanding of the situation on both Israeli and Palestinian societies.  

2019 Study Tour begins in Jordan, including its capital Amman and world tourist site Petra! 


Travel and see first-hand many of the places and areas in Israel and the West Bank that have an impact on the lives and futures of all Israelis and Palestinians. All Study Tours include

  • Jerusalem
  • Tel Aviv
  • Ramallah
  • Two or more of the following:
    • Northern Israel (ie. Nazareth and Haifa)
    • Southern Israel (ie. border with Gaza)
    • West Bank locales (ie. Hebron, Rawabi, Israeli settlement)
  • Side trips pre or post Study Tour may be available (inquire if interested)
2019 Study Tour begins in Jordan, including its capital Amman and world tourist site Petra!


In addition to the insider access and insight provided by the Israelis, Palestinians, and others you will meet and converse with, you will have a front row to the sights, sounds, tastes, and vitality of this special part of the world. All of it experienced together with a small yet eclectic group of Americans who enrich and enliven this memorable trip.


  • Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019 - Amman, Jordan (Participants are to meet the group at the Intercontinental Hotel in Amman)
  • Wednesday, Nov 6 - Amman, Jordan (Intercontinental Hotel)
  • Thursday, Nov 7 - Petra, Jordan (Movenpick Resort)
  • Friday, Nov 8 - Travel from Jordan to Israel (Dan Tel Aviv Hotel)
  • Saturday, Nov 9 through Wednesday, Nov 13 - Israel (Dan Tel Aviv Hotel; checkout Nov 14)

STUDY TOUR INCLUDES: Hotel Accommodations, breakfast at hotel, other meals except those reserved for your free time, all touring - including transportation from Jordan to Israel, tipping, and admissions (does NOT include airfare).

COST: $4890/person (double occupancy); $6175 (single occupancy) 


$500 per person is due now (refundable until September 1 when the balance is due).  Send deposit by check to:

Americans for Peace Now, 1320 9th St. NW, #400, Washington, D.C., 20036

or by

Credit Card (indicate "Study Tour" in comments box).

Contact Mark Bilsky by Email or at 202-408-9898 with questions.

For more information and to express interest in participation, contact APN at israeltour@peacenow.org or (202) 408-9898.

For a taste of APN's unique Israel Study Tour, watch this video, and see the schedule from a past trip.


"I find it stimulating to travel with the kind of folks who are always on the APN study trips, and it is motivating to meet and talk to Israeli Jews and Palestinians whose values I share. It renews my faith in Israel's future."


- Aviva Meyer, from Washington, D.C., who is pictured (on the left) with Janet Aviad, a founder of Peace Now in Israel.

Going on the APN Study Tour "was an amazing experience from every angle...an event of a lifetime. It gave me hope that there is still very much a chance for peace between Israelis and Palestinians."

- David Edelman, pictured in Hebron, is from the Chicago area and has participated in multiple APN Study Tours

One of the two countries to have signed a peace treaty with Israel, Jordan has an immense stake in Israeli-Palestinian peace, and serves as a fascinating window into the Arab world.

The capital of Jordan is a unique blend of old and new...ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques, and everywhere there is evidence of the city's much older past.

The rock-carved rose-red city is indeed one of the most amazing ancient tourist sites in the World, a UNESCO world heritage site, and one of the new seven wonders of the World.




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LISTEN - APN Briefing Call on Israel Elections with Tal Schneider

On January 24th 2019, APN hosted Israeli political analyst Tal Schneider for a briefing call on the upcoming general elections in Israel. Less than three months out, Israel’s political arena is going through dramatic changes. New actors are joining the arena and some of Israel’s political fixtures are fading out. An election campaign that started as a referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu’s performance and ethics seems to reflect some deeper undercurrents in Israeli politics.

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Americans for Peace Now and Valley Beth Shalom Congregation in Encino, California are pleased to present the 8th annual Professor Gerald B. Bubis Lecture. See below for all the details, and make your plans to hear from this special guest speaker and to honor the memory of Jerry Bubis. RSVP to apnwest@peacenow.org or 323-934-3480.

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