Statement- End the War

May 24, 2024- Americans for Peace Now has long called for an end to t​his war and for Israel to prioritize negotiations to secure the release of hostages. The extensive and prolonged nature of Israel’s military response, coupled with the absence of a coherent “day after” strategy that aligns military actions with clear political objectives, has resulted in terrible losses for Israel and caused devastation and suffering for Gazan civilians, most of whom have been displaced from their demolished communities.

Today's announcement from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is yet another emphatic call from the global community for an end to the war. The ICJ’s order for Israel to immediately halt its military assault on Rafah underscores the dire nature of the current situation and the prolonged conflict that has necessitated international intervention.

It is tragic that circumstances have deteriorated to such an extent that the international community has found it necessary to intervene in such an assertive way.

We reiterate our call for the government of Israel to implement an immediate exit strategy from the Gaza Strip. This strategy must ensure Israel’s security and include the return of all hostages. It must also address the severe humanitarian crisis faced by Gazans, and allow an immediate flow of aid to a starving and displaced population.

Hadar Susskind, President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now said: "This war must come to an end. Not because the ICJ or some other international body says so. But because Israelis and Palestinians alike deserve a better future. We must forge a path that breaks the cycle of violence and offers a new approach beyond the zero-sum politics that failed generations of both peoples and left the Palestinians without the sovereign state they deserve."