Israel's Nation-State Law Resources

Israel's Nation-State Law was approved amidst much controversy, both within Israel and abroad, particularly among American Jews. Given its status as one of Israel's Basic Laws, the closest thing Israel has to a Constitution, the law is particularly consequential. Here are a number of resources on the law, its ramifications, and reactions to it.

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PeaceCast #50: The Dove - Stories of Humanity and Hope

This episode features a recording of The Dove, a live storytelling show modeled after The Moth. It features stories about the conflict, told by young people from the region, underscoring the humanity that brings together Israelis and Palestinians and offers hope for peace.

This show, recorded on July 23, 2018 at Washington DC's Busboys and Poets, was produced in partnership with New Story Leadership, a Washington-based program that brings to Washington 5 young Israelis and 5 Palestinians for a month of leadership training, networking and fun. The storytellers are eight of the program's participants.

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Israel i24 News "The Spin Room" (7/18/18)

APN's Director of Policy and Government Relations Debra Shushan appeared on "The Spin Room" on Israel's i24 News on July 18. WATCH by clicking the pop-out button (top-right) and fast-forwarding to 1:39. 

Topics debated by Shushan and fellow guests Colette Avital (former MK, Labor), Ruthie Blum (Gatestone Institute), and moderator Ami Kaufman included President Trump's Helsinki performance, Israel's Nation-State Law, incendiary kites from Gaza, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Israel. 

Hard Questions, Tough Answers (July 23, 2018) – The ultra-nationalist surge: two documents


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

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APN’s “3 Weeks of Contemplation” – Week 3 + BONUS Book Recommendations

Week 3 Book Recommendations - Contemplating and Questioning the Occupation plus BONUS Israeli-Palestinian Cookbook

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APN's Ori Nir in Haaretz: Trump, if You Really Love Israel - Let Your Peace Plan Go

Those who suggest a dead-on-arrival U.S. peace plan will be simply thrown into the dustbin of history and will have no long-term consequences are dangerously wrong. A defective plan could have catastrophic consequence.

An impending U.S. diplomatic initiative to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict used to make big headlines. Now, the Trump administration says its on the verge of issuing an "ultimate deal" plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - and hardly anyone seems to care.

Should we care? Absolutely. Not because the plan has a serious chance to succeed. It doesn’t. But because of the potentially catastrophic repercussions that a severely flawed plan would have.  

What we know so far about this administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian question does not bode well for an effective peace plan.

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Professor Shibley Telhami Briefing Call, Thursday, July 19, 2 pm (Eastern)

Professor Shibley Telhami, one of America's leading experts on the Middle East, comments on the current state of American-Palestinian relations, on Donald Trump's Israeli-Palestinian policy, on Trump's prospective "peace plan," and on the role of Arab governments in the current dynamics between the US, Israel and the Palestinians.

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The 'Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People,' passed by 62-55, with two abstentions

Illustrative: The Knesset, Israel's parliament building in Jerusalem. (Orel Cohen/Flash90)

Knesset members approved overnight Wednesday-Thursday a controversial and long-debated law that officially defines Israel as the Jewish nation-state, voting the bill through in its second and third plenary readings by 62-55, with two abstentions.

The law for the first time enshrines Israel as “the national home of the Jewish people.” The law becomes one of the so-called Basic Laws, which, like a constitution, guide Israel’s legal system and are usually more difficult to repeal than regular laws.

What follows is a full translation of the final version of the bill approved by the Knesset plenary:

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Peace Now's Settlement Watch: Land Allocation in the West Bank – For Israelis Only

Land Allocation in the West Bank – For Israelis Only

A New Settlement Watch Report

Following a request under the Freedom of Information Act submitted by Peace Now and the Movement for Freedom of Information (and after refusing to give the information and a two-and-a-half year delay), the Civil Administration's response was received:

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Professor Shibley Telhami Briefing Call, Thursday, July 19, 2 pm (Eastern)

Professor Shibley Telhami, one of America's leading experts on the Middle East, will comment on the current state of American-Palestinian relations, on Donald Trump's Israeli-Palestinian policy, on Trump's prospective "peace plan," and on the role of Arab governments in the current dynamics between the US, Israel and the Palestinians.

Listen here

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